Team Biden’s latest welfare expansion: Medicaid payments for housing, food, even furniture – IOTW Report

Team Biden’s latest welfare expansion: Medicaid payments for housing, food, even furniture


The latest front in the Biden administration’s crusade to bypass the congressional appropriations process and expand the welfare state comes in the form of the medicalization of everyday life through Medicaid coverage of “health-related social needs.”

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services recently approved three section 1115 demonstration initiatives that allow Oregon, Massachusetts and Arizona to use Medicaid funds to pay nonmedical expenses such as housing supports (rent, relocation expenses, furniture), meals, air conditioning and air purifiers “during climate emergencies” and transportation services.

CMS Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure argues such measures are needed “to address the root social causes of health concerns, like lack of access to nutritious food and housing insecurity.”

This is an unnecessary and potentially enormous expansion of Medicaid, the government-funded health program for low-income families, children and the disabled — and, in Medicaid expansion states, low-income adults. Medicaid covers roughly one in four Americans. It is financed partly by the federal government (about two-thirds on average) and partly by the individual states. States have leeway in spending their portion, but strict rules limit how they can use the federal chunk. more

18 Comments on Team Biden’s latest welfare expansion: Medicaid payments for housing, food, even furniture

  1. “to address the root social causes of health concerns, like lack of access to nutritious food and housing insecurity.”

    Caused by lack of hauling your ass out of bed everyday and, you know, WORKING.

    You’re welcome.

  2. Umm, Medicaid has a budget that has been approved. Is this extension / expansion legal if the congress does not allocate the funds?

    OK, semi-sarc because we know the left doesn’t care about laws. But, will congress have to vote on the additional funds, as they are required to by law? Will this be a lame-duck push-through by the left and the syconphant repubs?

  3. Get ready for the UBI. And “ will own nothing and be happy”, or else..

    Oh, and “I made $80hr at home in my underwear, just follow this link:”

    The NWO also stole the election in brazil Monday, but the Brazilians aren’t taking it lying down. There are huge demonstrations and gatherings, HUGE. Dutifuly suppressed by the “media”, of course. The stuff that WE The sheeple should have done here in 2020 but we did not. Baaaaa

  4. The reason Latin America continues to return to leftist regimes is that the majority of the population has been thoroughly domesticated. Promises of free stuff will always overrule logic in the minds of the broken. It is a proven formula.

    We’re getting there — quickly.

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