Biden Gives Florida Democrats Nightmares During Disastrous ‘Rally the Troops’ Speech – IOTW Report

Biden Gives Florida Democrats Nightmares During Disastrous ‘Rally the Troops’ Speech

RedState: I know writing about how Joe Biden gave a speech that was jam-packed with moments where the incoherency was on full-blown display is a bit like writing a “dog bites man” piece. But the one Biden gave in front of a group of Florida Democrats Tuesday, just one week out from the midterm elections, deserves special mention not just because it happened, but also because of what it was designed to do (but didn’t).

Biden was in Florida to, as CNN reported, rally the Democratic faithful there ahead of Election Day by invoking so-called “mega-MAGA Republicans” as the biggest threat this country has ever faced or whatever. During his speech – and in a predictable attempt at scaring senior citizens, he played up how Republicans were allegedly opponents of Social Security and Medicare, a blatantly false claim that even the Democrat apologists at the WaPo called Dems out on with a Four Pinocchios rating in October.

But Biden’s choice of location for his speech was rather odd, considering the well-documented demoralization of the state Democratic party after repeated electoral drubbings, with more anticipated to come. For instance, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis appears to be a shoo-in for reelection over political chameleon Charlie Crist (who invited Biden to the state). Sen. Marco Rubio is sitting comfortably ahead of his Democratic opponent, Rep. Val Demings, in his own reelection battle.

Very early on during the rally, it was clear that the Democrats in attendance were about as enthusiastic as a wet mop. Below, we see Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a former DNC chair, begging the crowd to show some spirit ahead of Biden’s arrival. She wasn’t very successful: more

6 Comments on Biden Gives Florida Democrats Nightmares During Disastrous ‘Rally the Troops’ Speech

  1. “…begging the crowd to show some spirit…”

    …They ARE showing their spirit. The same spirit ALL the Democrat children of wrath show.

    The spirit of disobedience to God.

    “2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:

    3 Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.”
    Ephesians 1
    Ephesians 3

    Ephesians 2:2-3

  2. Joe Biden and the democrat party continuing to hide their massive racism, discrimination, inflation across the board, the Biden Crime Family vulgarities, and even a staged and manipulated hoax using the Town Drunk Paul Pelosi and craigslist actor to carry it off. That Joe Biden molested his own daughter in a shower-scene while calling names against decent Americans with differing opinions from his is very telling and shows how easily he and his dweeb amateur administration will turn against any American. Joe Biden, the most racist and blakest white-privilege trash guy who falsely attended “blak” schools is laughably comical.


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