“The Guy Who Showered With His Daughter Is Telling You You’re a Bad Person” – IOTW Report

“The Guy Who Showered With His Daughter Is Telling You You’re a Bad Person”

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OH MY, I am a bad person. At least that’s what President Biden said. In fact, I was going to turn myself in to the police until I went to Conservative Firing Line and read this post from CFL Staff:
On Wednesday, Tucker Carlson shredded Joe Biden, the lying demented fraud currently occupying the Oval Office, over a dark, hateful, and divisive speech in which he basically said that anyone who disagrees with him is “bad.”

h/t joe6pak

17 Comments on “The Guy Who Showered With His Daughter Is Telling You You’re a Bad Person”

  1. Pretty sure the SS are bringing in their sons and daughters to “shower” with Biden, too. You don’t have to search very hard for people willing to prostitute their children to the rich, powerful, and/or famous (see: Mao, Biden, Michael Jackson, Hollyweird, &c.).

    Once the Supremes legitimized murdering the innocent, the door was opened to perversion (arguably worse than death) of the innocent.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. The video clip he played about “election denier candidates” was interesting. How about anti-Constitutional democrat candidates? In Vermont, Peter Welch wants to do away with the electoral college, he wants to scrap the Supreme Court, and doesn’t believe in the second amendment.

    I’ll take someone who questions an election any day over someone who is anti the Constitution.

  3. Setting everybody up for the Democrat led election inspections to come if Nov. 8 is a big red wave?

    What…we lost the house AND Senate…I smell a MEGA MAGA in the wood pile. Just watch….see leader got them 81 million votes and we’re gonna use them again.

  4. Apparently, this sickened criminal never listens. When he is warned, he uses his “Position” to fight back.

    In early 2020, I warned him that the American People will be coming after him (if he continued his destruction of Our Country)…Instead, he apparently considers this a challenge (whether he read my warning or from other Americans).

    Now we learn that he was involved with the Brazilian election.

    This man(?) and his lunatic followers MUST BE DEALT WITH BY US. Else, we are not worthy of this beautiful Country, Our Constitution nor each Other.

  5. Warning? To whom?
    The Libtards? Or the conservatives?
    Either way, need to load a few more magazines.
    If the DildoCrats “win”, time to administer some “justice”.
    If the Republicans win (in spite of the cheating), expect tantrums and riots.

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