Man Gets Tattoo of His Little Brother With Down Syndrome – IOTW Report

Man Gets Tattoo of His Little Brother With Down Syndrome

Little Brother Absolutely Loves It!

11 Comments on Man Gets Tattoo of His Little Brother With Down Syndrome

  1. I live near an adult foster living facility, and several of their Down patients attend the same church I do.
    They are the most joyful people to sit with during a worship service.

  2. I have known a few families with a Down’s kid, all of them are great families.
    One in particular, second kid out of five had Down. I knew the other 3 boys from scouts, all Eagles, knew the mom and dad well and the one sister a little. All of them so joyful and caring. The kid with Down died several years ago, age about 40 – and it wasn’t until then that I learned the first 2 kids had a different dad, he divorced mom when the kid with Down was born. What a special dad to marry a woman and adopt her 2 young boys, one with Down!


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