Trump-appointee blocks NY gun law, says Dem legislature ‘may not eviscerate the Bill of Rights’ – IOTW Report

Trump-appointee blocks NY gun law, says Dem legislature ‘may not eviscerate the Bill of Rights’


New York gun control advocates are enraged after a Trump-appointed judge blocked an unconstitutional gun law from taking effect and then raked Democrats over the coals for attempting to “eviscerate the Bill of Rights.”

US District Judge John Sinatra Jr. issued an injunction that blocked a law that prohibits people in New York from bearing arms in places of worship.

Two clerics and a number of gun rights organizations sued over the law, asking for an injunction until the court could hear the merits of the case. Pastor Jimmie Hardaway of Trinity Baptist Church of Niagara Falls argued he used to conceal carry his firearm prior to the enactment of the worship ban for “self-defense” and wants to encourage his parishioners to do the same. Hardaway asserts that he has been “stripped of the ability to keep the peace” and is “suffering diminished personal safety every time” he goes to church.

That argument was good enough for the judge who ruled accordingly.

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