Why Some People Who Win on Game Shows Lose in the End – IOTW Report

Why Some People Who Win on Game Shows Lose in the End

Twisted Sifter:

Do you ever watch game shows on TV and feel envious? Like you wish you’d get your shot at winning the big bucks in front of a live studio audience or on a reality show?

Well, when you actually do the research and investigate what happens to people who participate in popular game and reality shows, it quickly becomes evident that the experience isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. So let’s look at some specific examples that clearly illustrate this exact point.

Take The Price is Right, for instance. The extremely popular show has been going strong for decades, and rightly so; it’s fun to watch and looks like a good time. I’ve always imagined myself spinning the big wheel, and I bet you wouldn’t need to do much searching to find a tribe of friends who’d be ready, willing, and able to run down the aisles with you and jump up and down for their chance at glory. But what actually happens when you “Come on Down” and have your moment in the sun?

One winner of the iconic game show learned her lesson the hard way. In 2013, a woman named Aurora De Lucia appeared on The Price is Right and won a brand spanking new Chevy Cruze LS. De Lucia could hardly believe her good luck…until she started filling out the paperwork to claim her vehicle. more here

19 Comments on Why Some People Who Win on Game Shows Lose in the End

  1. I have a neighbor whose kids attended school with mine. He won Jeopardy about 25 years ago and his winnings allowed the family to buy a nice home, much nicer than what he could afford on his salary. He was also a smart, reasonable man who didn’t piss away the winnings on frivolous things.

  2. My next-door neighbor’s sister won 5 days in a row on Jeopardy in the 90s, back when winning 5 days was the max but you also won a car. She won a Corvette – and rejected it, I guess because of the taxes, she kept her cash winnings of course.
    The timing seems unfair though, perhaps intentionally so – winner of an asset instead of cash should have some option that would enable them to redeem it even if for something less than the list value less taxes.

  3. I quit watching game shows when The Price is Right became The Price is Reparations, and Let’s Make A Deal became Let’s Exclusively Pick Black Folk.

    Jeopardy has a tournament of champions going on that includes some “non-binary” fat-ass cunt that Ken Jennings calls “they.”
    It also has a celebrated Canadian lesbo bitch with a nasty looking nose ring.
    Oh, and the left’s pride & joy, the dude masquerading as a woman.

    Two of those freaks are part of an exhibition on tonight’s show.


  4. Don’t believe I’ve ever watched a game show.
    Unless one was on when I was getting a blood draw or something.
    Not that there’s anything wrong with game shows; just never grabbed me.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Loco- didn’t Jennings make some nasty remarks about conservatives? I don’t get why people want to spend time with people who hate them.
    We were regular viewers till they got woke. Can’t stand that woman host who is another Trump hater.

  6. …In all those cases, you’ll notice that it’s the government taking what it did NOTHING to get (plus Pedo’s 10%) that ruins it.

    They will take over half of your lottery jackpot too, making the posted prize amount in the lottery that THEY run a KNOWINGLY fraudulent amount.

    Our Founders wrecked the most powerful military for less.

    But we seem happy with having half our income taxed away to be used to hire armed “agents” to help them get the rest.

  7. regular people that come into large sums of money usually aren’t aware of how much those big ticket items cost to maintain
    (big houses, expensive cars, boats, etc.)

    most people don’t receive their earnings in lump sums & end up burning through that “found” money on stupid shit

  8. Years ago I saw a show about people winning lotteries. I remember one woman who won a house and ended up filing for bankruptcy because of it.

    Canada does not collect tax on such winnings. While that is nice on one hand, it seems strange to me that money that people go out and slave to make gets taxed but money given to them for little or no effort is not. That sure sends a wrong message.

    British game show winnings are not taxed, either. While you might leave a show with no money, from what I understand the shows pay to get you to the show for taping and pay for your hotel. The UK is much smaller which may make a difference, and in the US that may open up tax issues.

    Sports teams that play in California have to pay California income tax. If the Seattle Mariners play the Angels in California, Mariner players have to pay the tax even though Washington does not have an income tax. How much you want to bet that California still collects state income tax from Angel players when they play in Washington.

  9. Remember when Okra Whimpy gave away 300 cars (that wasn’t hers in the first place?). Recipients couldn’t afford the taxes! LMAO!

    Alas, scandal wasn’t far behind. For one thing, the gift wasn’t really from Oprah at all. Pontiac had donated the cars, paying the hefty price tag out of its advertising budget, because the company hoped that that the giveaway would drum up some enthusiasm for its new G-6 line. (To this end, during the segment, Winfrey herself took a tour of a Pontiac plant, gushing over the cars’ satellite radios and fancy navigation systems.) The car company also paid the state sales tax on each of the automobiles it donated. However, that still left the new-car recipients with a large bill for their supposedly free vehicles: Federal and state income taxes added up to about $6,000 for most winners. Some people paid the taxes by taking out car loans; others traded their new Pontiacs for cheaper, less souped-up cars. “It’s not really a free car,” one winner said. “It’s more of a 75 percent-off car. Of course, that’s still not such a bad deal.”


    Two months later, Oprah hosted another giveaway episode, this one for teachers from around the country. Their gifts were worth about $13,000 and included a $2,249 TV set, a $2,000 laptop, a $2,189 washer/dryer, sets of $38 champagne glasses and a $495 leather duffel bag. This time, the show’s producers had learned their lesson: they also gave each audience member a check for $2,500, which they hoped would cover the tax bill for all the loot. Unfortunately, it didn’t quite—most people in the audience owed the Internal Revenue Service between $4,500 and $6,000—but the PR gimmick worked: Oprah’s giveaways earned some of the highest ratings in the program’s history.

    No all that glitters is gold…..


  10. Sometimes, with some people, a big win can be more a curse than a blessing.

    I know of a guy who once won a $4 mil lottery (in phat, Reagan-era dollars, roughly 10 mil today), immediately bought the fastest car he could, wrecked it and lost his leg, got miserable and started fighting with his backdoor neighbor, and apparently spent most of it on medical bills and legal fees from suing and being sued by his neighbor.

    One time we picked him up in the ambulance and the police confiscated his leg because he had taken it off and used it to beat his neghbor with, who went to the hospital in a separate ambulance. Our dumbass squad captain sent them both to the same hospital, though, and the guy with both legs found out and used them to go to the bay where the one-legged guy was, and they resumed the fighting there while we were still writing the report. We had to sit on the one-legged guy and take down the two-legged one and sit on HIM, too, till the security guy finished his trip to the bathroom, apparently, and local LEOs showed up.

    …the point is, you are who you are. Money won’t change it.

  11. November 8th; The only winners are the chosen candidates.
    They will generally become $Millionaires and retire with a hefty Golden Parachute at the expense of US citizens.

    Oh yeah, there will be no significant change.
    If the GOP win the House and Senate, pass needed Bills, Biden will veto them.

    Ukraine, the Palestinian Authority and untold countries will continue to receive $Billions of our Government’s handouts (at our expense).
    Biden will continue to sell our Strategic Petroleum Reserve to China, the Biden Crime Family will be paid off, the DOJ and FBI remain in their pocket and the Biden’s will slither away.

    We taxpayers can’t win for losing.

  12. Jeopardy died for me when Alex Trebek died a couple of years ago. I don’t bet on lotteries, it’s a suckers bet even if I only put a dollar or two down on lottery tickets. I could use some extra money just like everyone else, but I wouldn’t know what to do with a large fortune but start a charitable foundation and give the vast majority of it away. I’m satisfied with what I have, and God has always provided for my every need and I don’t want the temptation to buy either a very expensive car (I would like a restored 1940 Ford Tudor though or a late 30’s fully restored and modernized Lincoln Zephyr) or very expensive house and estate. I don’t hobnob well with snooty, upper crust rich people, I prefer to associate with regular people like myself. And the only lottery that I ever won was the draft lottery in 1972 and that’s the kind of lottery no one wants to win. And an autographed Spokane Indian’s baseball from 1968 at an Indian’s baseball game which I still have.

  13. geoff the aardvark — I’m with you all the way. Whenever I would daydream about a windfall, I always dreamed of giving my mom a bigger house with the room she needed to do all her craft/art pursuits. I’m content with what I have and it forces me to rely on our Lord for his provision — which always comes right on time.

    Whenever I’ve been asked if I own my home, I always laugh and say, “No, I think it’s the other way around.” True enough. The more junk you own, the more it owns you.

  14. The person who “won” the $2.04 billion Powerball today has already had about 1.4 billion seized in taxes. If said person takes the one time cash, they will get about $994,000,000. Pretty nice one might think. SNS above nailed it. The thieves in government steal more than half right off the top. But, said winner will continue to be taxed at huge rate for the rest of their life. If the winner would happen to die, the jackpot cannot be passed on to their family. So, is this person really a winner? Not really. The worst part of it is the winning ticket was sold in California.

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