Border Crossing Deaths Skyrocket, While Biden Administration Hides the Data – IOTW Report

Border Crossing Deaths Skyrocket, While Biden Administration Hides the Data

Just Facts Daily:

Border security is a life-or-death issue with many implications. Beyond the economic and electoral effects of illegal immigration, violent criminals and highly lethal drugs often enter the U.S. through its porous southern border. In addition, hundreds of people die each year while trying to cross the border.

Annual totals of border crossing deaths are commonly published by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) within about five or six months of the close of the federal government’s fiscal year on September 30th.

Yet, more than 13 months after the close of the 2021 federal fiscal year, CBP has not published the data for 2021, the first year of Joe Biden’s presidency. CBP also hasn’t responded to a Freedom of Information Act request for the data filed by Just Facts on October 27, 2021. CBP is part of the Department of Homeland Security, which is under the authority of President Biden. more

4 Comments on Border Crossing Deaths Skyrocket, While Biden Administration Hides the Data

  1. The fucker called a lid before noon today as well.

    BTW, where is tonight’s sticky thread for us to vent and celebrate election results?

    Bueller? Bueller?
    Is this thing on???

  2. How about the number of kids and young girls that “disappear” at the border. Probably higher than the death toll, fresh sex slaves.
    Somebody’s making money, or it wouldn’t be happening.


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