Casey Anthony sits for first TV interview since being acquitted for murdering her 2-yr-old daughter – IOTW Report

Casey Anthony sits for first TV interview since being acquitted for murdering her 2-yr-old daughter

BPR: Casey Anthony, who was the suspect in a case that captivated an entire nation 11 years ago, is set to give her first televised interview since she was accused and then acquitted of murdering her two-year-old daughter, Caylee.

The three-part documentary, titled “Casey Anthony: Where The Truth Lies,” will air November 29 on the streaming network Peacock, the Daily Mail reported.

Anthony will seek to make her side of the story heard, now more than a decade after the disappearance of her daughter in 2008. The remains of the child were found in a garbage bag a half mile from their Orlando home six months after she was first reported missing. A six-week trial ensued in 2011 after Anthony was formally charged on multiple counts including first-degree murder.

Anthony has spoken to the press only once since her acquittal. During a non-televised interview with the Associated Press in 2017, she acknowledged her tarnished reputation flippantly.

“I don’t give a s**t about what anyone thinks about me,” she told the outlet. “I never will. Based off what was in the media, I understand the reasons people feel about me. I understand why people have the opinions that they do.” more here

9 Comments on Casey Anthony sits for first TV interview since being acquitted for murdering her 2-yr-old daughter

  1. I actually listened to several hours of audio of her talking to the detectives and her family, and there’s absolutely no doubt in my mind that she’s a sick twisted conscience-less monster who murdered her own daughter. That poor little girl probably died of an overdose because Mommy was drugging her to make her sleep so that she could go out partying, altho’ I wouldn’t rule out physical violence, as well. If anyone has ever earned themselves a place in Hell, it’s this bitch.

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