Tucker Carlson: Democrats Have Conditioned Americans to ‘Passively Accept’ ‘Election Theft’ – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson: Democrats Have Conditioned Americans to ‘Passively Accept’ ‘Election Theft’

National File: Fox News host Tucker Carlson said that Democrats have conditioned Americans to “passively accept” election theft under the threat of a civil war, using their media apparatus to help drive fear into voters who think about asking too many questions.

Tucker Carlson predicted on the eve of the midterms that the Democrats would use ballot box chaos to steal elections and demonstrated how, alongside their associated acts in mockingbird media, they’re conditioning Americans to accept it.

“Democrats absolutely cannot lose the midterm elections,” Carlson tweeted. “And with that in mind, they’re already preparing us for election theft, which if you don’t want a civil war, you must passively accept.”

Included in the tweet was a Tucker Carlson Tonight segment that aired on Fox News just ahead of the midterms. In the segment, Carlson used corporate media’s own reporting to show their dramatic shift on the existence of serious, widespread election integrity issues. more

17 Comments on Tucker Carlson: Democrats Have Conditioned Americans to ‘Passively Accept’ ‘Election Theft’

  1. Loco’s mandatory Nevada ballot never made it to his mailbox…no wonder…I present to you, the democrat endgame:

    Overwhelmed election officials in Nevada say that they have been flooded by thousands of mail-in ballots, and that it may take several days to count the votes and upload results.

    Last year, the state began requiring that mail-in ballots be sent to every registered voter. While ballots must be postmarked by Election Day, they can be counted if they arrive as late as Saturday.

    Elections officials have emphasized the need for patience and have not offered predictions on how quickly they will be able to offer tallies.

    Jamie Rodriguez, the interim registrar of voters in Washoe County, said she was expecting roughly 16,000 mail-in ballots to arrive on Election Day. She said that those votes would not be counted until Thursday because poll workers were so behind.
    Long waits and continuous warnings from elections officials did not prevent the candidates in a competitive race for a Nevada Senate seat from projecting confidence about their standing. Early Wednesday morning, Senator Catherine Cortez Masto, a Democrat, was slightly behind her Republican opponent, Adam Laxalt.

  2. I don’t think people accept it. The people who can do something about it don’t want to. It’s more profitable to their bank accounts.
    It stops the attempts at draining the swamp.

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  4. No one really seems to be discussing that GEN-Z essentially showed up & voted Demo.
    They are Young, Brainwashed by their TEACHERS, MEDIA, PHONES, ACTORS & INFLUENCERS.
    They, and their VOTES, were stolen over several GENERATIONS.

    Re-Watch the URI BEZMENOV videos on Y-Tube and you’ll get it.

  5. And Why are we Running out of THINGS, TALENT, ENERGY?


    COOF accelerated “THE STRIKE” and the left-behinds are TALENTLESS and refuse to accept responsibility for anything.

  6. The godless Dems have succeeded. The 2024 election has already been decided. There’s no need to vote anymore.

    I’m not cynical. I’m paying close attention to what God said would happen. One of the signs that we are in the last days before Jesus returns is that lawlessness would increase causing the love of many to abate. Everyone can see crime increasing and enforcing the law is waning. People are being provoked to disobey the law more and more and moral people dislike disobedience.

  7. I, for one, am not passive on this. I’m pissed. Go ahead, Joe. Label me an extremist or an election denier, you senile old fuck. Even you are not too far gone to know that the ONLY way for Democrats to “win” an election is to steal it. Fuck you. You & the rest of the Democrats are just a revolving door of idiocy & petty tyrants who want to enslave those who don’t vote correctly(in what passes for your minds).

  8. @formwiz November 10, 2022 at 6:37 am

    > the question is, what’s the next step?

    As long as it doesn’t involve cutting the gubbamint doles I earned, Im’ma jus keep voating!

  9. @Kcir – watching in Canuckistan November 10, 2022 at 7:24 am

    > COOF accelerated “THE STRIKE” and the left-behinds are TALENTLESS and refuse to accept responsibility for anything.

    Filthy reprobates! It is their moral duty! To pick your damn cotton!

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