Caruso Holds Slight 51%-49% Edge Over Bass In LA Mayoral Race – IOTW Report

Caruso Holds Slight 51%-49% Edge Over Bass In LA Mayoral Race

CA Globe:
With 44% of the vote in as of Wednesday morning, businessman Rick Caruso is currently holding a slight 51%-49% edge over Congresswoman Karen Bass (D-CA) in the Los Angeles Mayoral election, with a clear winner unlikely to be known for days.

Election night in LA was marred by heavy rains and a slow trickle of votes coming in for both candidates, with Caruso managing to stay at least a few thousand votes ahead during each update. For Caruso, the dead heat race marked a stunning turnaround. In early September, Caruso had been down 12 points in polls. However, a mix of disastrous scandals for Bass, including allegations that she had accepted a scholarship from USC in exchange for passing key legislationtens of millions going towards ads, extended outreaches into the Latino community, and a sharp increase of in-person visits bridged the gap to 3 points by the beginning of October. Further advancement following the fallout of the City Council racist recording scandal propelled him further in the final weeks of the election, winding up virtually tied in final polls.

Speaking from his viewing party at The Grove on Tuesday night, Caruso remained optimistic while also confirming that he would not be running for Mayor again after this election, win or lose. He further noted that he had run not for the office or prestige, but out of love for the city.

“The wonderful thing I never knew as a candidate, when you’re running for mayor, is that you develop a larger family alongside the people that you would never have met in communities, because we’ve all come together for a cause. And that’s a very uplifting thing,” said Caruso late Tuesday night. “We don’t know the outcome yet, but I’m happy to say that we’re starting out strong.” more

7 Comments on Caruso Holds Slight 51%-49% Edge Over Bass In LA Mayoral Race

  1. When votes stop in California for 24 hours, as they just have, The libtards are dividing up pocket change for Ripple and MD 20/20 to use for harvesting votes. If you think that’s a joke, it’s not. It looks like Cali flipped two Senate seats. It’s not being reported. A potential of five. I guess eventually they’ll let us know what the media decides.

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