‘That’s Insulting People!’ – CNN Slams Joe Biden For Tone Deaf Presser – IOTW Report

‘That’s Insulting People!’ – CNN Slams Joe Biden For Tone Deaf Presser

GP: They’re gearing up to throw Joe Biden in the trash after the two-year mark.

CNN slammed Joe Biden for his tone deaf presser on Wednesday.

Joe Biden on Wednesday crawled out of his basement to deliver remarks on the 2022 midterms.

Biden answered questions from a pre-approved list of reporters after he gloated about the Democrats ‘doing better than expected.’

Joe Biden was cocky and defiant during the Q & A session of his presser after Marc Elias and the Democrat machine worked to steal races across the country.

Biden said the overwhelming majority of Americans are happy with record high inflation and soaring gas prices.

“The overwhelming majority of the American people support my economic agenda… I’m confident these policies are working,” said Biden.

A reporter asked Joe Biden about the abysmal exit polls showing 75% of Americans are unhappy with the state of the union.

“75% of people say the country is heading in the wrong direction… What do you intend to do differently?” the reporter asked Biden.

“Nothing because they’re just finding out what we’re doing,” Biden said like a true dictator.

CNN’s Gloria Borger slammed Joe Biden for brushing off the overwhelming majority of the country.

SNIP: Another problem for CNN is as people get poorer, they cut off cable. Or maybe stop watching TV altogether.

9 Comments on ‘That’s Insulting People!’ – CNN Slams Joe Biden For Tone Deaf Presser

  1. Taffyhead Biden has been insulting voters all his
    life with his low IQ campaigning and expectations
    of their approval at the polls.

    But it’s been working because these electorate
    ARE as stupid as he believes they are.

    The smellocratic party is winning.
    They have dumbed down both education and
    intelligence to make it possible to win.

  2. I hate these people with a passion. Like the corrupt scumbags they are, they’re all jumping in unison on the new message their overlords and payors are passing on to them.

    The only think lately is Pelosi getting – ahem – hammered out of Congress.

  3. I’ve been saying since Biden took power that he would become dispensable as soon as he hit the half-way mark of his term. That means Kamala would be eligible to run in both 2024 and (if elected) in 2028. If he leaves before then, 2028 is out for her. (Remember, LBJ took over after the half-way point of JFK’s term, but he saw the writing on the wall and chose not to run in 1968, leaving Humphrey to take the fall after the disastrous course LBJ put us on.)

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