Biden Plans To Extend COVID Health Emergency To April 2023 – IOTW Report

Biden Plans To Extend COVID Health Emergency To April 2023

The public health emergency was set to expire on January 11, and the report comes nearly two months after he declared on 60 Minutes that “the pandemic is over,” a statement that the White House later walked back.

It was revealed on Friday that President Joe Biden is set to extend the Covid-19 public health emergency through at least April of next year.

The public health emergency was set to expire on January 11. This report comes nearly two months after Biden declared on 60 Minutes that “the pandemic is over,” a statement that the White House later walked back, with Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre saying he said it because he was walking around the Detroit Auto Show.

The move, per the administration, will give the government more time to hand off responsibility for Covid-19 tests, vaccines, antiviral treatments, and other pharmaceuticals related to the virus to the private sector, one administration official told Reuters. The move also comes ahead of the possibility of another winter surge in cases, mirroring last year when Omicron circulated around the county.

The public health emergency had been declared in January of 2020 when the pandemic began taking place on American soil, and has been renewed every quarter since. In August, officials had signaled thought that they intended to let it expire in January. MORE

23 Comments on Biden Plans To Extend COVID Health Emergency To April 2023

  1. I’m not aware of any covid health emergency.

    What does slo joe xiden know that I don’t?

    He could certainly give me some pointers on bribery and corruption but other than that, not much.

  2. That cdc commie bitch walensky still has covid “rebound” after getting at least 4 jabs and then still “testing” positive back in October, roughly the same time I did. I’m 100% recovered after following the FLCCC protocol and the bitch is still hidden from the public eye. They also pushed the narrative she took that paxlovid poison they were trying to force down my throat. I said “NOPE!”.

  3. I live on the border between the people’s republic of libtardia (DC suburbs) and the free countryside of north central Maryland. If I head toward DC all I see are sheep wearing masks in their cars and while walking around outside. If I head north into the countryside everyone is normal. When I look at the statistics by county there is no difference in the rates of infection or death between the two areas.

  4. Cmn¢¢guy
    NOVEMBER 12, 2022 AT 2:56 PM
    “Nuremberg trials 2 – May 2023.”


    That’s why they stole the elections again.

    No one on Earth can ever hold them accountable for their mass murders as long as they own all the “good guys with guns”.

    Only trials we’ll get in may are increasing amounts of show trials for patriots.

    Followed by public executions if any resistance ramps up.

  5. Covid-19 Vaccination transparency.

    If you are Covid-19 mRNA vaccinated, then you shouldn’t worry about what other people chose to do with their own life. If you believe the vaccine will protect you and others and if you have the faith that it won’t harm, you in the future, then you have nothing to worry about. Putting a guilt trip on other people expressing their right to privacy and self-preservation isn’t anyone else’s business. Virtue signaling is just a way to garner acknowledgment of one’s righteousness from others. If you truly believe that unvaccinated people are a threat to others then you subconsciously have doubts in the effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccines.
    Major adverse reactions are increasingly being reported worldwide during the post marketing surveillance phase of Covid-19 vaccines’ circulation, such as anaphylaxis, vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia, myopericarditis and Guillain-Barré syndrome and even premature death.

    There is a new reformed opinion coming from those same advocates of forced vaccination that society should consider “amnesty” for anyone who forced mandates, isolation, social distancing, forced job loss and forced vaccination in the name of social Covid-19 safety. Back in mid October of 2022 the CDC voted to permanently shield Pfizer and Moderna from COVID vaccine injury liability.
    It all sounds like a guilty conscience to me.

    The world’s foremost epidemiologist, professor John Loannidis of Stanford published a peer reviewed paper by leading experts in the field and the WHO accepts this as correct data. His point is that this virus is no more deadly than a seasonal flu especially for people under 70. If you are under 70 your chance of dying with or from this virus is less than 0,1% (closer to 0.05%). this means that 5 out of 10,000 may die from the virus. This also means that everything that was done in the name of prevention was an exercise in futility.

    Vaccinated people who even have updated boosters are still catching Covid-19, sometimes more than once. Albeit they ultimately suffer less with a milder variant of Covid-19. They are also likely to spread it to other vaccinated/boosted people as well as to unvaccinated people. The irony is that the mRNA vaccine has reduced their natural immunity to fight Covid-19 and variants. The CDC has finally admitted that true Natural Immunity is as good as and possibly even better than the mRNA vaccine. That is a step in the right direction towards transparency in regard to this vaccine. All the disinformation coming from big pharma, government and our industrialized health care industry is done for profit and power.

  6. I see people still wearing the masks and wonder what rock they live under
    the masks were never going to work to protect anyone from a fake virus
    the masks did show the pedo-rats who will be compliant with whatever they’re told to do
    that’s why the masks were so important

  7. The only “virus pandemic” is Joe Biden, on two comically stumbling legs. His bogus “pandemic” is merely an enabling push to phake pharma and his own stock shares. The fossil is nothing more than a child molesting swindling grifter who never had an edge in anything due to his extreme stupidity….as told by his past and current colleagues.

  8. The only “virus pandemic” around is Joe Biden, on two comically stumbling legs. His bogus “pandemic” is merely an enabling push to phake pharma and his own stock shares. The fossil is nothing more than a child molesting swindling grifter who never had an edge in anything due to his extreme stupidity….as told by his past and current colleagues.

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