An Ultimatum To Russia? – IOTW Report

An Ultimatum To Russia?

American Thinker:
By Jacob Fraden

The forced withdrawal of the Russian troops from the key city of Kherson on the western bank of the Ukraine’s main river Dnieper marked a radical if not a crucial turning point in the Russia’s undeclared war against Ukraine, which began on February 24 this year. It has now become clear to everyone, including Russia’s top leadership, that Russia has already de facto lost the war and further escalation is likely to lead to a complete collapse of the Russian state machine and prosecution by the International Court of Justice of the country’s top leadership on charges of war crimes. That outcome is something that they want to try to avoid at any cost. Both sides of the front line, the U.S. and all European countries, have a strong desire to end this bloody and costly war as soon as possible.

Friday, from various independent sources in Russia, came interesting, albeit officially unconfirmed, information about a possibility to establish peace in Ukraine. If this information is officially confirmed, the result will not only be the end of the war, but also the end of 22 years of Putin’s rule.

According to this information, the Russian government has received an offer from as yet unnamed Western countries. Allegedly, this offer has been already agreed upon and approved by the Ukrainian side. This proposal is essentially an ultimatum to Russia to capitulate. The proposal aroused in the Russian leadership circles (excluding Putin himself so far) a great interest.

The main points of this ultimatum are as follows:

1. Russia ceases all hostilities against Ukraine and withdraws its military formations from its territory, including the areas of Donetsk and Luhansk that were recently annexed by Russia. more here

14 Comments on An Ultimatum To Russia?

  1. The guy that wrote the article must get all of his information from MSNBC.

    “This proposal is essentially an ultimatum to Russia to capitulate.” Russia holds a big hunk of Ukraine, including territories that want to be part of Russia, not Ukraine. Capitulation by Russia? – not going to happen.

    “…a possibility to establish peace in Ukraine. If this information is officially confirmed, the result will not only be the end of the war, but also the end of 22 years of Putin’s rule”. Why would Putin leave office if peace is established? This is not WWI and Putin is not Kaiser Wilhelm.

    Fraden has an overactive imagination – he takes rumors and tries to make facts out of them.

  2. If this Peace is agreed to, it will require the USA to pay for all Security costs and rebuild Ukrainian infrastructure to include solar power grids which will require money to China to increase African demand for child labor while destroying the earth by strip/leach mining so that the Paris Climate accords will need an extra Trillion $ per year plus our money dispenser building located in Rome, the country’s largest office building, will need Billions of $ and , of coarse, Russia will need our money to repair its pipelines and replace their military munitions and equipment with our upgraded items and Democrats will hire 126,000 new Swamp voters to process the payments and so on not to mention flooding the world with troops , once men, now women to secure the semblance of safety. At home, we will be taxed, persecuted, prosecuted and be known as sub human Trumpers so that when one by one someone kills us for fun or we are jailed for complaining or telling a Truth, no one will care….this is the Peace from hell because the Democrats build nothing, they destroy all that they touch.

  3. First sentence tells me the guy is writing talking points from his handlers–“undeclared war.” Is this like US actions in Afghanistan? Iraq? Syria? How about all those color revolutions? What’s the difference? Russians are protecting Russians. It is not an undeclared war against Ukrainians. It is a very clear swipe at the US meddling in countries they are not welcome in. Zelensky is a CIA puppet. The Russians will not lose because they are fighting for the lives of their own people and for lands that are historically and rightfully theirs. They will fight until the West breaks.

  4. The whole thing is laughable, bluffing bravado with no basis in reality. It is almost comical to see “The International Rules-Based Order building their Ukraine Dream House. If there was a Penthouse War Porn Forum, this would be one of its most epic missives. But I do hope that those whom it is aimed at are enjoying their happy ending. If only for a moment.

  5. Six western countries have already agreed to actively guarantee this agreement

    Would those be the same “countries” (divisions of the same corporation) that guaranteed Ukraine’s safety? If they gave up their atomics?

    Would those be the same “countries” that guaranteed Russia’s safety? By guaranteeing no eastward NATO encroachment? If The Soviet Union suicided itself? (And let “our” [they own the world, don’t you know?] “people” go.)

    Would those be the same “countries” that guaranteed Germany’s safety? By “assenting” (under The United States’ occupation) to NATO membership? So they could have their winter fuel supply blown up?

    Or are these six “other” “countries”? Of The Free West(TM)?

  6. Russia captured Kherson a week after it brutally started liberating Russian speaking citizens from persecution. Was that even mentioned at the time?

    Then Russia held this salient on the West Side of the Dneiper for 8 months, even as Ukraine suffered tens of thousands of KIA in hopeless attacks. When you attack across open terrain without the aid of air support or artillery, its going to be ugly.

    Ukraine despite horrendous losses may have made some headway, but that was because the Russian combat groups were heavy on artillery and light on infantry. Because the primary goal of the summer months was to bust the super hardened Ukro defense line in Western Donetsk and Lugansk

    So now that the infantry problem has been corrected via mobilization, and the terrain has been turned into an ungodly kind of mud that you can hardly walk in … NOW is when Ukraine is being successful in its attacks? Боже Мой!! Вы думаешь что я дурак?*

    The truth is Russia is withdrawing because Ukraine is threatening to destroy a dam upriver and unless a large reservoir of water at Kherson. You know, the sort of thing that armies with the upper hand do

    *(My God, you think Im an idiot?)


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