Media Declaring Democrat Victory in Nevada Senate Race, Amid Significant Disparity Between Governor Race Outcome in Same State – IOTW Report

Media Declaring Democrat Victory in Nevada Senate Race, Amid Significant Disparity Between Governor Race Outcome in Same State


The media is declaring Democrats have won the Nevada senate race with Catherine Cortez Masto defeating Republican Adam Laxalt.  This gives the Senate to the Democrats with 50 seats, Republicans with 49 and the Georgia runoff still outstanding.  [Media Report]

Something is very weird about this Nevada outcome, when you compare the Governor race on the same ballot.

With Laxalt previously ahead, and with his previous vote percentage in alignment with Republican Governor Candidate Joe Lombardo, it appeared Laxalt was positioned for victory.  However, apparently the Democrats gained post-election ballots where the Democrat on the Senate race was supported, but the Democrat in the Governor race was not.

Democrat Cortez Masto (Sen) surged late in the ballot counting and carried 15,000 more affirming ballots than Democrat Sisolak (Gov).  This seems odd and suspicious; however apparently, we are not allowed to notice these things, lest we be considered conspiracy theorists. more

18 Comments on Media Declaring Democrat Victory in Nevada Senate Race, Amid Significant Disparity Between Governor Race Outcome in Same State

  1. Joe Lombardo, the GOP candidate (sic) is a RINO. Another member of the Vegas crime syndicate….just like Sisolak. There was an agreed upon trade off…the criminals in charge of counting Nevada votes allowed Lombardo to win in order to put all their cheating effort into the Senate race which was more important to the left. THAT is why thing happened the way they did. Lombardo is NO conservative. He’s about two millimeters to the right of Sisolak on the political scale.

  2. This will continue until Republicans repay Democrats in their own coin.

    Next election (should we be fortunate enough to have another one), fill the polling stations with thousands of mail-in ballots for Republican candidates. Make the Democrats strategy work for us, and suddenly they will get rid of it.

  3. So what are people are going to do? Say we’ll vote our way out?

    I’m in Oklahoma, I have no control over what other people’s states do. We do our job when it comes to national elections, don’t do so great in primaries where the vote count is always low and establishment easily steals it.
    So even if we can get them to get rid of machines counting our votes, what the hell good is that going to do us when it comes to the rest of the country? Our votes were counted in 2 hours.
    I get tired of hearing well do something. We are doing something in our state, we fought and fought hard to keep a dark money criminal witch out of the governor’s mansion. We fought and fought hard against dark money, teachers and teachers’ unions to elect a SOE to clean up our schools and get the porn books and groomers out.

    Arizona was supposed to have done something, what happened there?
    They were supposed to have all of these poll watchers and lawyers. The people did show up, the people did get trained to work the polls.

    None of these ideas have worked yet and then the bs we got to do better next time. There is not going to be a next time, has anyone looked how blue has spread? This is not years past where we’ve survived the democrats. These demons are like nothing we’ve ever faced before.

    Yes, they’ve always cheated, but not so blatantly in your face and laugh at you. They didn’t jail people for opposing them. They weren’t turning children into queers. They weren’t grooming children. They weren’t having drag queen story hour. They weren’t mutilating children. They weren’t voting to kill babies out of the womb. They weren’t destroying our energy. They weren’t trying to starve us. They weren’t giving poison jabs to the masses.

    We’ve got God and guns and that’s about it. Those of us in Oklahoma and other deep red states will survive for awhile, we have our own food, the majority still worship our savior. But who knows even where we will be in another two or three years.

    Folks best start thinking of a better idea than voting, because you are sure as heck aren’t voting your way out when they’ll print ballots until they get the result they want.

  4. My mail-in ballot never arrived.
    I didn’t know you can opt-out of them automatically sending them.
    Either way, I’m certain my mail-in was harvested and therefore cancelled out my vote for Laxalt.
    Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, & Pennsylvania are captive states unless something changes.
    We are fucked.

  5. @ Dan I agree this was a agreed upon outcome same as in GA where Kemp a Uni party Rino swap ahole was “allowed” to win in exchange for a senate loss so the dems keep control of the senate, and Judicial pics can be rammed through (and possibly end the filibuster)
    The 17th Amendment needs to be repealed It is the amendment that has done more damage to the US then any other in our history including the 16 and 19th amendments

    If not for the 17th amendment we would not have had a senator Kennedy nor Schumer, nor a president (unelected) Biden even if these Aholes were to be put in the senate by appointment they would never have been there for decades. and the senate would be overwhelmingly republican.

  6. The SMELLOCRATIC party must be destroyed

    Not just to save democracy

    But to save America

    Otherwise prepare your tome to explain
    to your grandchildren how liberty and
    freedom from dictatorial oppression
    was lost.

  7. I’ve been asking for over two years, and this year’s mid-terms have only made me repeat the question, how in a state (NH) where we overwhelmingly voted in a R Governor, R Legislature, R State Senate, and a R Executive Council did we possibly vote in Ds for the National offices (US Senate and House of Representatives)???
    And don’t tell me people voting split ticket, like one person on FB claimed, because I know NO Democrat that would vote for Hassan that would also have voted for Sununu for Governor or any Republican for local office! Either the entire state electorate – local and national – should be bright blue or – as I believe – the Dems cheated in the national elections somehow!


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