Prominent Trans Activist De-Transitioning After Finding Christ – Gives Peek Behind Leftist Curtain – IOTW Report

Prominent Trans Activist De-Transitioning After Finding Christ – Gives Peek Behind Leftist Curtain

Federalist Papers:

Oli London has seen enough — and he wants the world to know it.

The white British man, who has made news by identifying obsessively with a South Korean pop star and having multiple surgeries to achieve a dream of both “transracial” and “transgender” identity, has undergone a religious conversion experience.

He’s now warning of the dangers of the leftist forces pushing transgender ideology on young people.

Starting back in 2018, the social media influencer proclaimed himself to be first “transracial,” then more recently “transgender” as he sought to adopt the identity of a Korean woman.

The now 32-year-old Brit told fans he was a long-time superfan of South Korean pop star Park Jimin. London was so enamored of Jimin that he wanted to look like him. And to that end, London underwent a series of at least 18 surgeries to change his facial features to look Korean. more here

15 Comments on Prominent Trans Activist De-Transitioning After Finding Christ – Gives Peek Behind Leftist Curtain

  1. If he’s looking for sympathy, he isn’t getting it from me. None of us have control over his spiritual destiny, nor will I judge him for having what he believes is a religious experience accepting Christ. He’s damaged goods physically, mentally, maybe there’s hope. God knows the heart – it’s utterly wicked. God has promised to forgive and I accept that.

  2. It’s all right here:
    As Aristotle observed, “Happiness is the one thing you choose for itself; everything else is chosen for the sake of happiness.” Yet even though happiness is our goal, many people don’t know how to successfully pursue it. In this series Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D. explores happiness in the revealing light of human transcendence and immortality. Beginning with the commonly held principle that different forms of happiness correspond to different fundamental human desires, Fr. Spitzer guides viewers through four distinct but related sources of happiness (pleasure, achievement, contribution, transcendence), showing how they form a hierarchy and explaining why only the highest level (transcendent happiness) will ultimately fulfill us. Along the way he presents fascinating evidence for our spiritual nature from philosophy, psychology, and contemporary studies of near-death experiences and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is followed by an investigation into the mystery of suffering that begins with the parable of the Father of the Prodigal Son. Fr. Spitzer explains why an unconditionally loving God would allow suffering and also offers guidance on how to suffer well.

    Happiness, Suffering, and the Love of God provides answers to some of life’s most vexing questions and dispels many popular misconceptions as it charts a fascinating course towards authentic and lasting happiness.

  3. These twisted ideologies being pushed are done so people will reject God and Jesus. The root is spiritual.
    The only way to stop it and to save people who’ve been tricked is to stop allowing the Satanic Commies and entertainment industry to scare Christians from speaking up.
    Get God back out front.

  4. He’s taking a step in the right direction. Knowing God personally is the first step. Transgenderism, like all sinful evil must be conquered through Christ.
    Time will tell if he can remain faithful and not just be seeking attention.

    Yes, God is still in control. People wanting justice for these atrocities against children must understand our timing is not the same as God’s timming. Seems unfair but, God knows what’s best for us all – in Love;

    Isaiah 55, The Holy Bible
    6. “Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near.
    7. “Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts. Let him turn to the LORD, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for he will freely pardon.”
    8. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD.”
    9. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
    10. “As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,”
    11. “so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

    Men have to decide, “whom they will serve” – God or the unstable world of men, power, money, property, etc. The choice can’t be more critical than right now.

    Self-destructive nihilism/paganism/communism cannot save this world – only God can.

  5. God uses cracked pots ALL THE TIME. What better spokesperson to attack so-called “transgenderism”, especially in the young, than someone who has been there. There are many, right now, who are turning to Christ and turning away from the Left’s criminal sins.

    As the Left likes to say, “If it saves only one child..” this man has been called to a high purpose. I pray for his success.

  6. He fucked up, it took some time before he realized it. He knows now and maybe his story might give another person a second thought and not fuck up. All I can say to him is good luck.

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