Missing: 1 Democrat Congressman From Georgia – IOTW Report

Missing: 1 Democrat Congressman From Georgia

Breitbart: A Democratic legislator is missing from the House of Representatives and potentially denying Democrats one vote as they try to stop the GOP’s narrow majority from taking control of the House.

Rep. David Scott (D-GA), age 77, has not been seen in public for weeks, even during his landslide win on election day. His disappearance has prompted chatter that he is incapacitated or worse.

He is expected to appear on January 3 in Congress, to be sworn in as the reflected representative for the 13th district of Georgia. The district is south of Atlanta and is overwhelmingly African-American.

Neither Scott’s campaign nor his office has posted any reassuring video of Scott on Twitter or Facebook. more here

17 Comments on Missing: 1 Democrat Congressman From Georgia

  1. Whatever his condition, Rancid Nancy will make sure he keeps voting at least until January.

    Hey, the Dems get dead people to vote in elections, what’s to stop them having a dead Rep vote in Congress?

  2. How can any genuine Christian be a Democrat?
    They’re the party of death, sexual immorality and deviance, cheating, money laundering, race baiting, division, hate, intolerance and The Borg.

  3. …when you don’t reply in any way to a message sent to you simply asking for some demonstration you are not dead, that would suggest that you are, or you are sleeping very, very soundly, perhaps so soundly there’s a tube down your throat pushing your lungs to the limit as we speak…


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