Gaetz: Why McCarthy Must Go – IOTW Report

Gaetz: Why McCarthy Must Go

Congressman Matt Gaetz: Kevin McCarthy’s Not Suitable For Speaker Of The House, Won’t Have 218 Votes In January.

6 Comments on Gaetz: Why McCarthy Must Go

  1. File this along with Biden can’t win the Presidency, there’s no way Fetterman can win and Kari Lake will be the next governor of Arizona. A speaker of the House has a tool belt that would make Tim the toolman jealous. There are lots of perks that can be doled out and the amount of blackmail that could be averted for a vote for the speakership would probably makes us mad enough to bleed from our eyes.

  2. Enough Dems will go along to elect him because they don’t want it being bounced back so the Freedom Caucus can push Gaetz or MTG. Then they will do everything they can to divide and thwart the GOP.

  3. As a 36 year life-long Federal Tit-Sucking Parasite McCarthy should hang it up.
    We complain about democRATs that have never held a real job in the private sector, well neither has this slug! Get someone with some real world experience and has had to compete for a real job!


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