“Invasion”: Abbott to deploy National Guard to secure Texas border against invasion of illegal aliens – IOTW Report

“Invasion”: Abbott to deploy National Guard to secure Texas border against invasion of illegal aliens

In a statement posted to Twitter, Gov. Abbott explained that by treating the flow of illegal migration as an invasion, Texas would be able to tackle the problem with unprecedented vigor.

11 Comments on “Invasion”: Abbott to deploy National Guard to secure Texas border against invasion of illegal aliens

  1. ’bout fukin time!!
    I’m all for it, but they’re closing the gate loooong after the enemy has infiltrated the country. The real hasn’t even hit us yet! I hate to think what else has been smuggled into the country in the dark of night!!

  2. Keep the RoE simple.
    0-NO PICS, no cell phones. No matter how careful you are, digital is forever.
    1-As the illegals approach the border, one warning, in Spanish, “turn around, you are an invader and will be shot”.
    2-As they cross the border, shoot. Wound, injure, doesn’t matter. As the song goes, “Let the bodies hit the floor”.
    3-If the coyotes push children to the front and they are hurt/killed, preempt the publicity, “look what they’re (the coyotes & illegals) doing, we told them to turn around, and they’re using children as human shields. Shame!”

  3. It is just more of his border show charade. He knows full well this will not go anywhere. The Regime will simply federalize the TXNG and employ them to make sure their human and drug trafficking enterprise continues without a hitch.

    If Abbott were really serious he would’ve issued an EO requiring each of the 254 counties immediately fill a levy for raising The Militia in defense of Texas, against enemies, both foreign and domestic. Neither the Texas National Guard nor the Texas State Guard are Constitutional militia! All National Guard have been completely indentured to the Federal Government since 1903. Thanks to up-tempo deployment of the TXNG for the Forever War, the TXSG has been forced to take on more of TXNG’s duties, and, as a consequence, assumption of Federal servitude.

    The real measure of Abbott will be his response to the Federalization. Will it be more wordsmithed lawfare…or Militia?


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