Seattle Council-Member Defends Gang Graffiti As ‘unsolicited creative expression’ – IOTW Report

Seattle Council-Member Defends Gang Graffiti As ‘unsolicited creative expression’

Seattle councilmember Teresa Mosqueda thinks gang graffiti and Antifa tagging is “unsolicited creative expression” and art. She thinks cleaning it up is just a handout to “for-profit graffiti removal businesses.”

The city of Seattle is inundated with graffiti, much coming from local gang members and Antifa thugs. It prompted a proposal by Mayor Bruce Harrell to implement a six-point program to clean it up. The program includes funding graffiti abatement and charging prolific taggers.

There are clear problems with Harrell’s plan. But Mosqueda expresses remarkably irresponsible and ignorant criticism. more

11 Comments on Seattle Council-Member Defends Gang Graffiti As ‘unsolicited creative expression’

  1. Ah, broken window theory.
    So she is an idiot. And she is okay with private businesses being forced to bear the cost of something they do not deserve.
    Doesn’t matter, Seattle is doomed by their constituent voters who essentially ask for this behavior.

  2. Gee, Illustr8r, you make it sound like 1992 is ancient history.

    Maybe it is.

    That was the year I turned around and drove the wrong way on 2nd. The police had just lobbed tear gas at the next intersection. As it turned around, it reached my car.

  3. Meanwhile, real works of beautiful art get soup and motor oil thrown at them by the leftist devils.

    There is something terribly wrong with leftist brains. Like being so overcome with fear about global warming that they can no longer function as thinking human beings anymore.

    Now the media is telling them we have 9 years to stop global warming or it’s all over for the world. Doesn’t that number keep changing? The stupidos of the world easily fall for it. led by a pasty-faced little Swedish schoolgirl.

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