House GOP Accuses Biden Of ‘Human Trafficking’, Launches Immediate Investigation – IOTW Report

House GOP Accuses Biden Of ‘Human Trafficking’, Launches Immediate Investigation

Valiant News: Joe Biden and his family are under investigation for a series of alleged crimes including human trafficking, according to two Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee, Reps. Jim Jordan and James Comer, who held a press conference Thursday morning.

Comer spoke before Jordan, and delivered a succinct summary of the claims House Republicans have started investigating after winning the House of Representatives.

“This is an investigation of Joe Biden, the President of the United States, and why he lied to the American people about his knowledge and participation in his family’s international business schemes,” Comer revealed, before explaining that “national security interests” mandate the investigation. He noted that Republicans “will pursue all avenues,” including those “that have long been ignored.” MORE

17 Comments on House GOP Accuses Biden Of ‘Human Trafficking’, Launches Immediate Investigation

  1. How very sternly worded.

    Bet it came in a nice gold-leaf folder too.

    Investigation that lasts until the Democrats steal the next electiom to follow.

    With no indictments or even enforcement of subpoenas forthcoming.

    Good for a future campaign commercial, though.

    I can hardly wait to see it, assuming we still have electricity to watch it on TV.

  2. Forget not when Bush Republicans investigatged GWB’s girls Lerner and Clinton! The aunipartyh PUT BOTH OF GWB’S GIRLS IN P[RISON, RIGHT? LERNER HAS BEEN BEHIND BARS FOR 13 YEARS AND CLINTON 7 YEARS!

    My point os the UNIPARTY has done a very good job of protecting UNIPARTY operatives! The new Speaker has been UNIPARTY 16 years. He, like Mueler and Comey before him, will spend $millions of taxes, make loud noises and Biden – as all auniparty folk do – will be in incarcerated!

    leftist virtue signaling, not by Jordan, but by Kev! I will bet my house (worth 7 digits) against your car Kev protects Jo; as he did the 2 Bush Republicans he swore to expel 17 months ago! dBush Republicans : Adam, Liz – both leave House as GOP; Kev’s word, like all Bush folk, is worthless!

  3. Republicans will pay for doing this so they will issue 2,893,905 sound bites 24/7 of which only 4 will be reported and in such a way as to ridicule and demean until irrelevant..achieving nothing because the Coup is over, Democrats won, We live, we thrive, we suffer and we die at their pleasure. I am taking the optimistic high road because if not stopped, the Climate Change plan will result in not being able to heat/cool a home, pay its property tax, repair it without a non existent permit, afford a car, operate your car, keep your bank account safe from Hillary, be shunned by all due to your miserable Equity score, lose your kids because they need the mandatory sex gender change recommended by its teacher and the Pfizer nurse, afford to fight your criminal charges for belonging to a racist Nazi Christian church, voting wrongly and reading unapproved writings. Coming before nine years because we let them imprison Trump voters for two years without charges…a test we flunked, so nothing is in their way and they are humorless, have no empathy, Godless, detached from Reality love only themselves so believe only hysteria driven lies and will kill humans by the millions to prove they are the chosen. They grow stronger while Republicans try to save Civilization with law and comity while the quicksand of evil and Nihilism strengthens with every New Democrat in power.

  4. Human trafficking:

    1) Hunter Biden took hookers across state lines, joe knowingly gave him money to pay for hookers.

    Paying a pimp for the use of another human to do illegal and sexual acts on them.

    2) Hunter Biden and his uncle, etc., brought in an illegal/criminal alien through the US/Mexico border.
    And 0bama/Biden knew about it.

    3) Joe Biden willingly promoted illegal trafficking through the US/Mexico border and the US/Canada border.
    The Biden admin cannot provide the location of, nor the welfare of, the children brought across the borders. That’s on record.

    At the very least, joe biden and all of his border hacks
    should do prison terms as accessories to crimes against children.

  5. D stop trying to cheer us up and go buy a gun.

    This is Jim Jordan with some friends and some power. Finally.
    Sounds to me like they have a NUGGET. I get the negativity here. But the show is free.

  6. The main reason why predator Joe Biden “invited” millions of illegals into the US, his eye especially on the young teenagers male and female, young women, and children.

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