Jay Leno Has Surgery for Burns From Car Fire – IOTW Report

Jay Leno Has Surgery for Burns From Car Fire

NTD: LOS ANGELES—Jay Leno underwent surgery for serious burns suffered when flames erupted as he worked on a vintage car and remains hospitalized for further treatment, the physician overseeing his care said Wednesday.

The former “Tonight Show” host was in good condition and his wife, Mavis, is with him at the Grossman Burn Center north of Los Angeles, said Peter H. Grossman, medical director of the center at West Hills Hospital.

“He is in good spirits today,” Grossman told a televised news conference. Last weekend, Leno suffered burns to his face, hands, and chest that the plastic surgeon categorized as second-degree or verging on more severe. more

14 Comments on Jay Leno Has Surgery for Burns From Car Fire

  1. Leno contacted a friend of mine who owns a 1911 Columbus Firestone automobile that he is restoring. He asked if he could come to his home to see it. My friend agreed to let him see the car but said he didn’t want to sell it. Leno showed up and went nuts over the car. He told my friend to name his price. My friend declined to sell and Leno left disappointed but told him he’d pay whatever he wanted if he changed his mind. The car is an awesome piece of automotive history.

  2. “I’ll never forget when my face caught… caught on… on fire. Thankfully, my dad,who was a green ber… beret in the.. yeah, that, so he was able to put my face out with a rake.”–Joe Biden

  3. I grew up with a kid who had severe burns on his face. It was horrible. His mother started a barbecue on fire with gasoline. He did go on to get married, nonetheless a horrific thing to have happen. I too like Jay Leno. I saw a rerun on youtube the other day with Jay Leno interviewing a 100 yo woman. It made me laugh.


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