Mountain Dew’s new holiday flavor is the worst idea I’ve heard in a long time – IOTW Report

Mountain Dew’s new holiday flavor is the worst idea I’ve heard in a long time

Not The Bee: The director of marketing and flavor development (I’m sure it’s a thing) over at Mountain Dew needs to be canned. And not like a carbonated beverage.

The limited edition seasonal drink that Mountian Dew is introducing this year is…

Fruit Quake.



As in a play off “Fruitcake”, the most disposed of holiday dessert in the history of Christmas. MORE

26 Comments on Mountain Dew’s new holiday flavor is the worst idea I’ve heard in a long time

  1. I was “doing” 3 20 Oz. bottles at a time.
    91 x 3 = 273 mg of cafffffennieenneee *&^*&(*^*(&
    give me more! lab made crap. I quit when my stomach
    was sick & sour and I could not sleep at all.

  2. ^^^ “Pepsi-cola”

    why isn’t there a ‘carbon footprint’ penalty assigned to each dose of carbonated beverages?
    they tell everyone that CO₂ is poison, then they sell it, saying it will make you happy if you buy it.

  3. ^^^^^ Same with biodegradable soaps. If you listen to scientists (the same name for climate scientists with settled science) give their scientific reason for why biodegradable soap is biodegradable they will tell you it’s from little bacteria that break down the soap chain and release HARMLESS carbon dioxide instead of killing life in the pond/lake/river/wherever your car soap drains to. So it’s relative… Destroying the world via climate change with harmless CO2 is better than killing some fish in your local pond is their logic I guess.

  4. But can you use it as a door stop or a paperweight? My mom sent me a fruitcake right after I finished Navy boot camp between Thanksgiving and Christmas 1972, my company commander made me eat the whole thing to make sure it wasn’t contraband, that was the last time that I ever ate fruitcake. Instead of disposed of it should read despised, I hate fruitcake. Fruitcake, the unwanted gift that keeps on giving and being regifted back and forth every year between relatives since it never goes bad. With the annual exclamation of “Oh shit, fruitcake again!”

  5. @Eugenia — I’m with you on this. My grandmother made Christmas fruitcake starting in about October. Being a Southern Baptist she couldn’t buy liquor so she made her own apple jack using homemade hard cider and the freeze on the back porch method. There was LOTS of that apple jack in her fruitcake and it was wonderful.

    Those who despise fruitcake haven’t ever had the real thing.

  6. Culture Question:

    Thinking back back back.

    Did the Dew come out first?
    Or the Electrolyte Gator Aid Green?
    Which was it?

    Wonder if there is a connection?

    ohhh . . . btw
    What do you call a Pure Dew Gas Passer?

    A: Floraessence

  7. As a member of the “Fruitcake Anti-defamation League” I honestly like fruitcake (having rum sauce makes it even better). However, I cannot fathom a soda with that flavor. Yeech.

  8. @Uncle Al and DavidW

    As far as I remember Cousin Carole marinated all sorts of candied fruit and currants in either bourbon or brandy. She also added about a cup of bourbon or brandy to the recipe adding just enough flour to hold all the fruit and nuts together. i don’t know which one I liked better. either the bourbon or brandy. Rum and butter sauce – yes! Her rum balls were enough to get you lit. She used to ‘Cure’ the fruit cakes in her pantry. I loved going in the pantry to fetch stuff because the smells were heavenly. At Christmas and New Year we would have Feuerzangenbowle with the fruit cake. I have a few pictures of me at at a very young age cross-eyed from the Feuerzangenbowle .

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