Far Left Brazilian Supreme Court Orders Banks to Seize Assets from Millions of Protesters Participating in Mass Democracy Rallies – IOTW Report

Far Left Brazilian Supreme Court Orders Banks to Seize Assets from Millions of Protesters Participating in Mass Democracy Rallies

h/t joe6pak.

16 Comments on Far Left Brazilian Supreme Court Orders Banks to Seize Assets from Millions of Protesters Participating in Mass Democracy Rallies

  1. Hey! THAT’S an idea!

    And if anyone complaints?


    I wonder how many MORE kids I can buy with my cut of seized MAGA money.

    And if the 10% I have to give The Big Guy means 10% of the MONEY, 10% of the LITTLE GIRLS, or BOTH.

  2. Duly noted and lesson learned:
    Withdraw all money and close all accounts before mass protests.
    Your move…………..

  3. Evidently the lessons to be learned in provoking the storming of the Bastille are totally lost on these arrogant bastards. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/brazil-jair-bolsonaro-gun-laws-b1910166.html

    SAO PAULO, Aug 27 (Reuters) – Brazil’s right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro on Friday said that everyone should buy a rifle, in a meeting with his supporters outside the Alvorada Palace, the president’s official residence.

    Bolsonaro, who has tried to change the laws to allow more Brazilians to bear arms for self defense, said those who oppose guns should stop nagging gun buyers.

    This may result in another Fucked Around and Found Out moment in history.

  4. De Moraes is Brazil’s leftist deep state leader. His power is in his ability to play whack-a-mole against all citizens from the poorest to the richest and most powerful. As long as it is happening to the other guy, the people just sit back and watch.

    In going after wealthy farmers, and farmers can be extremely wealthy in Brazil, he is also trying to paint any protest against the election as staged by a small cadre of wealthy interests paying a rent-a-mob (that’s a bit of projection by the Left).

    Going after the head of the military is a lot riskier, but they are playing for keeps this time. Civil war is always an option with them, and preferred by the more radical. A violent purge was likely planned anyway, so moving up the schedule is fine.

    He may also be counting on the military’s socialist history, but that was a long time ago.

    Brazil is a large complex country with a strong sense of self, much like the US (but I wouldn’t say they are similar). Brazilians can get downright testy when referred to as Latin American.

  5. At least the Brazilians have a perfectly clear picture of who their Supremes are and that they stand for Tyranny above the law and democracy (self-determination).
    Now, whether or not they take the lesson is entirely academic.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. @Brad November 18, 2022 at 3:14 pm

    > Just wait for the all out push to disarm the American Citizen.

    OH NOES!

    Whatever will they do? When the foreign occupation force decides to, just, steal an election!?

    You know they’ll try it! Eventually. Some time. You just wait.

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