Canadian government is preparing to euthanize a disabled woman – IOTW Report

Canadian government is preparing to euthanize a disabled woman

DefConNews: The Canadian government is preparing to euthanize a disabled woman because she can’t afford housing that is suitable for her condition.Canadian government is preparing to euthanize a disabled woman.

The disabled 32-year-old woman, known only as Denise to protect her identity, is now in the final stages of the process and is preparing for her medically assisted death appointment.

Doctors will soon pull the plug on Denise after she suffered seven futile years of applying for affordable housing in Toronto.

“Denise suffers from a condition known as Multiple Chemical Sensitivity.”

Exposure to chemicals that commonly linger in households, like laundry detergents and air fresheners, triggers debilitating symptoms. MORE

32 Comments on Canadian government is preparing to euthanize a disabled woman

  1. Holy Shit, I have problems with suffering from so many women that wear stinky perfumes in the grocery store.

    ….Guess I better refrain from complaining. (The Gestapo may hear me).

  2. That is the science and medicine and policies of Nazis —- kill all the people the gov’t says should not be allowed to live.

    They pat themselves on the back for being so progressive and being good little murderers – “We’re just following what Darwinism taught us….take off, eh”.

  3. Not only that, they have legalized murdering the mentally ill, y’a know, depressed people, sad ones, lonely ones, but not the ones cutting off their dicks and calling themselves women.

    Pure evil.

  4. the cold hearted, compassionless bastards would probably have done this before now, but they can’t figure out who to send the bill to.

    it is sad, what has happened to canada under trudeau

  5. …self-elimination with Government assistance is apparently a European thing that, like the roundabout, Muslim jihad by hirjar, and stupid little cars, is coming to America, apparently the Jab isn’t lethal enough…

    …”reducing the surplus population”. Just in time for Christmas.

    Scrooge would be proud.

    Merry Christmas.

  6. …this is what they are hoping for…

    “Then said his wife unto him, Dost thou still retain thine integrity? curse God, and die.”
    Job 2:9

    …see, this way, if they make it SO miserable that not ONLY do people that they do not consider worthy of life self-eliminate, but they are in SUCH bad shape that they hope they take themselves out of God’s hand at the last, and by cursing Him with their last breath during the act of sucide which is itself a slap in the face of the Lord, they leap straight into the pits of Hell where satan can gloat to God that he got another one.

    Communist are the best tools the devil ever had. It doesn’t matter if they call themselves Philistines or Chinese, Canadians or Democrats, the end result is the same.

    The gloablist serve satan whether they admit it or not.

    This is just one more service they provide him.

  7. When Trump became president I had a empty lot next to my house about half an acre. One day the owners contacted me and wanted to know if I wanted to buy it because they were moving to Canada. I said, “how much?” They said ” make a offer. ” I said” five hundred dollars. ” They said “sold!” They moved to Canada and I’m still laughing. Also the lot was assessed at five thousand a win for me.


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