After Election, WaPo Quietly Reports That Trump Did Not Store ‘Top Secret’ Documents at Mar-A-Lago – IOTW Report

After Election, WaPo Quietly Reports That Trump Did Not Store ‘Top Secret’ Documents at Mar-A-Lago

National File:

With the 2022 midterm elections now in the rearview mirror, the Washington Post quietly reported that documents obtained from the FBI’s raid on Mar-A-Lago did not include “top secret” intelligence. Democrats and corporate media outlets breathlessly reported that former President Trump stored a number of documents relevant to national security, including nuclear secrets.

“Federal agents and prosecutors have come to believe former president Donald Trump’s motive for allegedly taking and keeping classified documents was largely his ego and a desire to hold on to the materials as trophies or mementos, according to people familiar with the matter,” the Washington Post reported.

The report went on to state that the FBI reviewed classified documents that were taken from the residence in order to determine what information they contained, more

9 Comments on After Election, WaPo Quietly Reports That Trump Did Not Store ‘Top Secret’ Documents at Mar-A-Lago

  1. AG Garland has named a special council to further investigate President Trump. Why are they that afraid he might win the Presidency again?….Their fear is EXACTLY why I’ll vote for him again….

  2. Willy
    Exactly. If I were DJT I’d be spending my nights dreaming how to get even with these fuckers. Who knows them better? Who’s as motivated? Who do they fear most? I’ve said it many times, we need four more years of DJT to let him inflict as much damage as possible to the Deep State.

  3. Funny,

    This is the First I have heard about it.

    The Canuckistan Media is busy blaming Russia that the Ukes let a couple of missiles of the chain and into Poland.


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