48% of Maricopa election centers had printer or tabulator malfunctions on election day, not the previously estimated 20% – IOTW Report

48% of Maricopa election centers had printer or tabulator malfunctions on election day, not the previously estimated 20%

Update: New – 48% of Maricopa election centers had
printer or tabulator malfunctions on election day, not
the previously estimated 20%. And no such
widespread issues were reported during the early
voting period that preceded election day and used the
very same equipment. Wow.

15 Comments on 48% of Maricopa election centers had printer or tabulator malfunctions on election day, not the previously estimated 20%

  1. There’s that 20% again. LOL

    Cochise country just refused to certify until at least the 28th. Apparently that means no other county can certify until they do. ????? Not quite getting that, but no matter, things are a foot in AZ right now.

  2. But of course “this is not evidence of widespread and sustematic voyyer fraud”.

    Always said without defining the terms “widespread” and “systematic”….as if somehow “only” 48% is somehow not widespread, and that the paper substitution was not systematic.

    I would like to suggest that any manner of fraud beyond the 1/2 the margin of victory is “widespread,” and any technical snarls on multilple machines at one precinct or single identical failures at separate precincts is on its face evidence of “systematic” fraud.

  3. No co-incidences in politics.
    Everything is “Fucked Up By Design,” as we used to say in the Government.

    No one can convince a “reasonable” man that the equipment wasn’t tested and certified prior to election day – thus – either the “testers” and “certifiers” are totally incompetent or they’re Traitors – undermining (with malice aforethought) the electoral process. No other conclusions are possible.

    That this is so should be obvious to even the dullest among us (Sandy? MattDillon?).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The most important thing for real Americans to recognize is that the Democrats couldn’t be getting away with this shit if not for the Republican establishment protecting their flanks.


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