Washington Examiner Tells Kari Lake to Turn on Trump, Accept Election Fraud – IOTW Report

Washington Examiner Tells Kari Lake to Turn on Trump, Accept Election Fraud

National File:

The Washington Examiner is calling on America First Arizonan, Kari Lake, to turn on President Trump and accept election fraud in the wake of her Governor’s race “loss” to infamous Arizona election boss Katie Hobbs. Shockingly, Hobbs, as Arizona’s Secretary of State, was allowed to run her own election.

“Kari Lake can be a conservative superstar if she dumps Trump,” The Washington Examiner claimed in a headline, citing the talking points of a strategist aligned with the open-borders Chamber of Commerce, before claiming that election fraud doesn’t exist. MORE

14 Comments on Washington Examiner Tells Kari Lake to Turn on Trump, Accept Election Fraud

  1. Examiner, like N.R,, has always been left/liberal anti Reagan Republican.
    6 years ago they said Don would be Barry all over again. There are several “Bush ??Republicans” this week saying if Don Runs it will be Barry (for those <60 LBJ) all over again.

    Like the Murdocks. NRO, Weekly Std … All these media are UNIPARTY Bush Republican; always have been. WFB Jr. was against both Barry and Ronny. He successfully defeated Ronny in '76. To his credit the eve of the RNC 1980 he switched and became a Ronny man. He was an honest Ronny man; he never smeared Ronny in "pro conservative" articles as J. Goldberg, H. Hewitt, B. Crystal. and other UNIPARTY bush republicans did AND DO!

  2. Oh, for Pete’s sake. The Washington Examiner didn’t tell Kari Lake a damn thing.

    It published an article that quoted several Republicans who talked about what future Lake might have going forward and some suggested her political future would be bright if she didn’t cling to Trump.

    Disagree all you want with the people quoted in the article, but for the twats at National File to claim the Washington Examiner was giving Lake orders is wildly inaccurate and dishonest.


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