White Sign-Language Interpreter Sues Broadway’s ‘The Lion King,’ Claims he Was Fired Because of His Race – IOTW Report

White Sign-Language Interpreter Sues Broadway’s ‘The Lion King,’ Claims he Was Fired Because of His Race

National File:

A white sign-language interpreter is suing Theatre Development Fund for discrimination, alleging that the Broadway show fired him because of his skin color. 

Theatre Development Fund (TDF) — a nonprofit that assists Broadway shows with sign-language interpreters — asked Keith Wann, 53, and at least one other interpreter to step aside in favor of a black replacement for an April production of “The Lion King.” According to the New York Post, the organization decided it was “no longer appropriate to have white interpreters represent Black actors in Broadway shows.” more

7 Comments on White Sign-Language Interpreter Sues Broadway’s ‘The Lion King,’ Claims he Was Fired Because of His Race

  1. Ohhhh, but it’s ok to have black signers for white actors?
    Who’s the racist here?
    May they all go brokest, quickest.

  2. Society has been letting blacks get jobs over whites for years. Many more qualified white men and women were passed over in the name of equality. “Equal opportunity” guess it’s a one way street.

  3. TDF is an associate of the democrat party, the same party which has vile creeds based on the ku klux klan’s “codes”. Their codes, as the “real segregationists” Joe Biden knows all too well, has not been eradicated but transformed into subliminal messages and sick covert philosophies which only they and their founder, the democrat party, can appreciate.


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