Coach Brand Trans Model Threatens To Beat And ‘Destroy’ Women – IOTW Report

Coach Brand Trans Model Threatens To Beat And ‘Destroy’ Women

National File:

At a recent event in New York City for a female activist group named Let Women Speak, a group of male high-end fashion models who are transgender activists attacked and threatened the group of women who were speaking in support of women’s rights.

The group speaks out about who they call “trans-superiority activists” and were treated very gently by the police.  Disturbingly, they were allowed to physically attack the women.

Jeanna Hoch was in attendance at the event and spoke to the media after she was spat at and pushed around. more

22 Comments on Coach Brand Trans Model Threatens To Beat And ‘Destroy’ Women

  1. These Teams of Turds don’t make a mere 500K a week . . .
    These Team O Turds make 500K a Day
    More More More

    And your Turkey is gonna require a Loan

    Do the right thing
    Chase these fuckers out of your Towns

  2. 512 is not the Daily Apex
    Middle Management
    1024 is not FAT either
    2048 is Tera Byte Boundary
    HEX Addresses
    MegaGiga TeraPeto

    OT: Can anybody post here what the largest known prime number is?
    HINT: It is very, very, very long.

  3. In the 80’s it was, just recognize us. In the 90’s we just want to be married.
    A lot of us Christians said they would eventually go too far and we were mocked.
    These people truly are mentally and spiritually sick.
    They need to be put back in their place and not celebrated.

    Fall of Rome anyone?

  4. Beachmom,
    That’s how all this Satanism has been promulgated: from perversion, to narcotics, to election fraud, to lying, to cheating, to usurping, to the militarization of the IRS and Postal Service, to the corruption of the Judicial system, to the illegal-alien invaders, to plundering the Treasury, &c., &c., &c.

    Remember how the smoke Nazis started? “We mind very much if you smoke.”

    And we keep falling for it. Over and over, again.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. @Tim

    Smoke Nazis. Excellent Recall.

    These modernday Money Grubbing Smokey Mirror types like Anthony Scaramucci et al stink far worse.

    FTX owns 30% of Sky Bridge

    Unless Anthony coffs up a lung and 45 Million

    Otherwise it is now owned by Bahamas

  6. !!WARNING!!
    Leftist agendas take on a life of their own if they aren’t nipped in the bud and are left alone to metastasize!
    Remember this one?: “We don’t want a hand out. We just want a hand up!
    Queers just wanted to be known as Gay and just left alone – “Live and let live”.
    Aaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnd here we are today in the Twilite Zone of the bizarre with the LGBTQIA+STDUVXYZ coalition trying to shove theit agenda down our throat and up our ass!
    Had enough?

  7. With liberals winning elections for real or by hook and crook this is only going to get worse quickly as the evil in men will be emboldened. My hope is for this to get so bad that a massive majority of Americans will vote all who embrace and support this perversion out of power.

  8. If you put a conglomeration of prog factions on an island paradise where no one could possibly want anything they need they would a) deliberately and systematically destroy it because they don’t want anyone to enjoy anything they think they deserve, but have unfairly been cheated out of and b) tear each other to shreds. They are wantonly destructive, nasty, manipulative and intolerant of others.

    I know this for a fact. Their miserable pathetic lives are completely ruled by envy and resentment. What they resent most is that others can manage to find and experience some degree of joy and fulfillment in their lives irrespective of their circumstances. The reason for their destructive behavior is they believe that joy and fulfillment others experience is derived from something outside themselves and they believe that by destroying either property or the social order they will bring others down to their level of misery.

    Trust me on this. I have spent half a century observing the worthless sonsabitches as they deliberately and systematically turned both Seattle and Portland into absolute shit holes. There is absolutely nothing benevolent about their motivation whatsoever. Their rhetoric is so transparently disingenuous a child can see through it to the envy and resentment that is driving their obsession.

    They are rotten to the absolute core and have nothing but contempt for Christian virtues. They wish to project and be recognized as the epitome of Christian virtue, but hello friends: there is a name for that and virtue signaling is recognized as the rank hypocrisy it most obviously is. Good God, the progressive movement has taken virtue signaling to a new level not seen in America until a critical mass became so mind numbed and intellectually addled by sitting in front of their television and now devices for six to eight hours per day being programmed to not critically examine anything The Party is force feeding them. Not so long ago this shit was recognized and practitioners of the art were labeled “holier than thou,” “sanctimonious,” “hypocritical,” etc ad infinitum. But then along came twisting of the Christian teachings that one is not to judge into wholesale accepting of the unacceptable, defending of the indefensible, tolerating of the intolerable, and look where that has taken the culture.

    You don’t have to accept what I am saying based on me being correct in interpreting what I have observed, for Christ’s sake the demonically possessed subhuman pieces of shit go out if their way to drive home exactly what they are. Just look at what they produce each and every time they achieve critical mass and have the power to implement their agenda. But don’t just leave it at that, listen to their words, especially when they are communicating among themselves, and deconstruct and critically examine their rhetoric. They tell you what they are.

  9. As much as I want to agree with you about these people being hateful and evil, I also have to pity them.
    I am a happy, contented person despite any personal problems I may have. I was blessed to be born with this personality, but I was even more so blessed by my parents and all the adults who were around when I was raised.

    Note – I didn’t say “grew up” I said “raised” because that was my experience. I was blessed to be raised by good, healthy, Christian parents. They weren’t exceptional, (I didn’t think at the time) but now, so many decades later, I continually thank God for their wisdom and love.

    All that being said, these sick, evil, demon possessed people need our prayers more than they need our hatred. The world needs our prayers more than our condemnation. I know it sounds pollyannaish, but more has been done by prayer than the world will ever know.

    So, though we may want to run them out on a rail, punch them, destroy them, please, pray for them. It will change you and it be a step in the right direction to turn this country back into the beautiful, Christian, God fearing country our founders envisioned.


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