The ‘Insurrection!’ House of Cards Is Collapsing – IOTW Report

The ‘Insurrection!’ House of Cards Is Collapsing

American Greatness:

Amid bombshell revelations that the FBI embedded numerous informants in two militia groups accused of plotting to overthrow the government on January 6, FBI Director Christopher Wray finally is facing some heat. 

During a House Homeland Security Committee hearing on Tuesday, Representative Clay Higgins (R-La.) angrily demanded to know more details about the use of FBI informants related to the Capitol protest. Higgins twice asked Wray whether FBI informants disguised as Trump supporters were planted inside the building even before protesters gained entry.

When Wray offered his usual obfuscating tap dance about protecting sources and methods—“the suggestion that the FBI’s confidential human sources or FBI employees in some way instigated or orchestrated January 6th, that’s categorically false,” he indignantly insisted—Higgins called his bluff. “It should be a no!” he yelled when Wray wouldn’t give a straight answer.

Ironically, Wray was saved from directly responding by none other than Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-La.), the chairman of the January 6 select committee. One would assume the lawmaker in charge of the 18-month congressional investigation into the events of January 6 would force Wray to respond. Thompson should have been shocked at the suggestion the FBI stationed assets dressed as Trump supporters inside the Capitol prior to the breach. more

15 Comments on The ‘Insurrection!’ House of Cards Is Collapsing

  1. Who did they work for, one person& his name is Donald Trump. There were police officers, firefighters, military (past & present). The one thing in they all had in common, they are/were Trump supporters. Yes, Trump supporters worked at the FBI. There is no mystery here.

  2. “…the FBI embedded numerous informants [and] FBI Director Christopher Wray finally is facing some heat.”
    Facing some heat? From what, a sunlamp?. In the infamous plot to “kidnap” Michigan’s governor, there were as many or more FBI operatives involved as there were peons and we see how that turned out.

  3. Rubber gloves, checked. Hip boots, checked. Tin foil hat, checked.
    Definitely something is flying here. What happened to the Antifa claims? There is too much video footage to go flinging stuff against the wall to see what sticks.

  4. Thanks 4 the link JDHasty

    BTW, I must say I am truly impressed with Rumble
    There will be some other rumble links to share with the ice cream social club a little bit later in time.

  5. I’m on the edge of my seat waiting for the lamestream media to report on this because it’s going to be a real eye-opener for the masses. I hope I don’t have to wait too long.

  6. Julie is IMHO overly optimistic. J6 may be going away. AS SUCH. But the man Mitch made AG 21 months ago is extending the inquisition.

    For those too busy to pay attention Mitch’s boy is Garland

    from the same GREAT web site!

    from AT “Bush Rwpublicans” have hated conservatives since “VooDoo Economics”; for the young thats 42 years!

    As i said 3 or 4 days ago Don scares the shit our of the UNIPARTY!

    As long as Mitch has power Don will be in big trouble. he will spend $millions on lawyers. Totally wrong IMHO ; but I would never vote for Mitch!

  7. My inclination is the Republican establishment was far more involved in this than we are being lead to believe at this time. Also, find out what Paul Ryan’s roll in coordinating the effort was and it will broaden the scope considerably. He has been critical to the combined effort to undermine Trump/MAGA. My instincts tell me that Ryan is the lynch pin that connects the Democrat and Republican establishment effort.


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