UK government vessels and French Navy ships collude to bring illegal migrants into Britain – IOTW Report

UK government vessels and French Navy ships collude to bring illegal migrants into Britain

Jihad Watch:

Just as news emerges about the UK forking over tens of millions of pounds to France to stop boat migrants again, adding to hundreds of millions since 2015, now comes news that UK border forces were caught taking boat migrants from France. And it’s a “routine” occurrence.

The pattern is clear. The UK and France intend to do nothing about the illegal invasion of Muslim migrants into Britain, but the British government persists in trying to fool an exhausted public. Although Britain, like other countries, is economically strapped from the COVID management crisis, it is still forcing its citizens to pay for these economic migrants. Ditto for Joe Biden, who has flung open the Southern border of the United States for anyone to come through, no matter his or her background or record. The only difference is that the UK government pretends to be conservative.

No matter what side of the political spectrum a party may claim to be on, globalists are of one accord on open-door immigration, as well as a green agenda which destroys any chance of energy independence. The UK Conservatives have continued to support the destructive, anti-democratic globalist agenda from Tony Blair onward. more

1 Comment on UK government vessels and French Navy ships collude to bring illegal migrants into Britain

  1. I suppose it would be asking too much for the Brits and French to collude to sink the illegals’ boats and then let the sharks play a sort of upside-down bobbing for boat people.


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