L.A. County Strongly Recommends Indoor Mask-Wearing Again – IOTW Report

L.A. County Strongly Recommends Indoor Mask-Wearing Again

Los Angeles County is once again recommending residents to mask up. This is due to the fact that COVID-19 infections within the City of Angels have sharply risen since the start of November.

16 Comments on L.A. County Strongly Recommends Indoor Mask-Wearing Again

  1. Whadda bunch of fukkin morons!

    Speaking of which, I was in Arkansas the other day and saw a guy out checking his mailbox wearing one!
    There ain’t no help for some people.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. The state dept of health and snotty noses started running an ad about proper mask wearing and types. It also states even a fabric mask is better then no mask, none of which can stop a virus.
    Taking a cue from the “never let a crisis go to waste” bunch I decided to have fun with the idiots that wear masks at checkout lanes or in bank lines. I quietly move up right behind them before I let a cough go. I had one lady at a bank step out of line and move about 6 feet over. Had the same fun with a couple waiting for self checkout at Costco.
    Simple things in life can bring such great joy.


    “Today is Joe Biden’s 80th birthday. Do you think he should run for reelection?” ABC’s Jon Karl asked Schiff.

    “I think he should. I think he’s extremely capable. What he’s been able to do in the last two years is an unprecedented level of accomplishment,” Schiff said..


  4. My son’s school has a current absent rate of 35% because the flu, that has been non-existent for 2 years, has made a remarkable come back. The school is recommending masking for the flu now, and of course most students comply. Afraid of the flu now too!

  5. Enmeshed, subsumed, entrained, deflocculated, all unknowing bits in the eutrophication of the lake that is our culture. The blob, government, media, the academy, every individual who uncritically follows the dictates, directions, teaching and suggestions of the aforementioned, all are the particles of silt and related garbage suffocating the water and filling the bottom of the lake that is our culture.

    The lake is become a swamp, soon to be a marsh and finally fertile virgin soil for the next people who are individually and as a group capable of and willing to develop and grow. There is no repairing this within the system we have created.

  6. Just canceled a visit to the dermatologist. The text said masks were required. I called and asked if anyone noticed the irony of forcing masking at the dermatologists office. The woman was too dense to get my meaning.

  7. I’m torn. I spent about 7 years in Asia where during the cold and flu season it was common to see people wearing masks. But they were doing it so they spread it not to prevent getting it. Here in the USA when I see someone with a mask I automatically think either paranoid or mentally ill(liberal). And it pisses me off to see kids masked up.


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