Premiere: “Died Suddenly” – IOTW Report

Premiere: “Died Suddenly”

Warning. There is a lot of blood and descriptive language in this movie.

Stew Peters Network: Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world – even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet… we never seem to believe them.

The Stew Peters Network is proud to present DIED SUDDENLY, from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer.

They are the minds behind WATCH THE WATER and THESE LITTLE ONES, and now have a damning presentation on the truth about the greatest ongoing mass genocide in human history. WATCH

30 Comments on Premiere: “Died Suddenly”

  1. Covid. Properly, SARS-Covid-19; that is Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome. Fauci tried this exact thing in the mid 90s. It was no different then in attempt, nor effect. I had both versions. It’s a bad cold to mild flu.

    The intent was always to see if the American people were finally ready to succumb to totalitarian control; and collectively, we have answered.

  2. “…broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world – even to the point of carving them into stone…”

    Not anymore. They must know we’re starting to take them at their word, because they’ve destroyed any trace if the Georgia Guide Stones. You know they did it themselves, and that it wasn’t some rando, because nobody was ever caught and tried for the crime.

  3. To use the demonic subhuman pieces of shit’s own words: We need to have a national discussion on every last bit of the “progressive” agenda.

    That is what they are deathly afraid of and have been pulling out all of the stops to prevent happening. The truth of the matter is whenever they call for a “national discussion” on anything they don’t mean it. What they are calling for is license to engage everyone and anyone that does not subscribe to their agenda in a one way enlightenment of the benighted.

    They are dedicated followers of Satan and, of course, they use Satan’s tactics. Anyone who doubts this only needs to look at the wholesale infringement of what have been recognized in the civilized world as God given rights. That is when they are not trying to shut down the exercise of those rights by people who do not follow their sick, twisted, Satanic political philosophy.

    Whenever and wherever they are gnashing their teeth and rending their garments over rights, any child can easily recognize that what they are upset about have little in common with rights as they have been defined for centuries by Christian people. With rights come responsibilities and these shitbags have never accepted responsibility for a single thing they are totally responsible for. When they are in full on virtue signaling mode, projecting their failings onto others, they would have others believe that is them being virtuous but any reasoning person can easily recognize that there is no virtue in their rank hypocrisy. In fact when they are in virtue signaling mode they have descended even further into Satan’s service.

    This is what we need to continue to call for a free and open “national discussion” on and we need to recognize and point out that this is exactly what the followers of the progressive movement (Satan) are dead set against allowing to take place.

    That right there is what Political Correctness, media and social media censorship, disruption of debate, limitations on who can and cannot express opinion on campus etc ad infinitum are all about and have always been about.

    If you doubt that Satan is behind this, where have you been the last decade as they have been all to willing to be videotaped literally foaming at the mouth while screaming incoherently at the top of their lungs?

  4. I’tired of seeing display their arrogance!
    Case in point: all the pictures of teachers, board members and politicians not wearing masks while the children and underlings surrounding them ARE!

  5. My brother’s memorial disappeared. Walked all over a cemetery last weekend, looking for it. Absolutely shocked after stumbling into an area dedicated to stillborn and babies who died within hours of birth. The number of young kids 22 and under? Heart breaking. So many parents under 40. The dates spanned from 2019 thru last week. Fauci needs to face a Nerenberg trial and public execution.

  6. DaveVA November 22, 2022 at 7:46 am

    I watched it yesterday. The OBGYN Dr. James Thorp stated that babies are having heart attacks in the womb. The punishment for these demons has not been devised yet.

    I won’t be a Bible thumper here, but the Bible is strewn with what God’s plans are for the wicked. Of course you and I want to see it their punishment right now. The way it’s described in the Bible, I don’t know how I feel about seeing God’s wrath brought down on the wicked. I mean great balls of fire! Bible = Book of Instruction Before Life Ends. The wicked can’t say “Lord, we didn’t know!”

  7. While AstraZeneca, Moderna, Pfizer, BioNTech and Johnson & Johnson were all seeking amnesty for the deaths and damages they have caused.
    Don’t forget the original Obamacare had a death counseling clause. Doctors were/are monetarily incentivized to offer death counseling over treatment.

  8. One more thing….

    Those that I know who got the jab are more than sorry they did it. They are feeling foolish, betrayed, and scared $hitless that any moment they can drop dead. What a burden to be carrying around. Knowing myself, I’d be in despair. My last jabbing act was with a friend who went on a cruise with his wife. All jabbed up with their boosters. His wife has leukemia – that was their excuse to get jabbed. They came home sick with covid. Couldn’t help myself but to dig at the fact they weren’t suppose to get covid with the jab. “Well it could have been worse if we didn’t get it!” I then said “how do you know that?” I know why they avoid me…. 🙂

  9. My question is, what’s in the jab now? They’re still peddling the jab as if nobody’s noticed all of the death and disability. They’ve got their approved jab, Comirnaty, but they’re not using it because they’d have to list the ingredients, and they’d be liable for death or injury.

    Instead, they’re still using the EUA label jab, which shields them from liability and allows them to continue to hide the ingredients. If they can hide the ingredients, they can change the ingredients to a neutral placebo and continue to sell and administer the EUA jab. Since they now openly admit that the EUA jab does basically nothing, what’s to stop them from going to a placebo? Nobody would know the difference, and the deaths would stop.

    You can say that they want the deaths to continue, and they probably do, but they are smart enough to know when the jig is up on this particular holocaust, and that it’s time to cover their tracks by tapering off. People will want to forget or not even even believe what horror has been visited on them, whistleblowers will gradually lose their statistical and physical evidence, and the demons will move on to their next massacre.

    What if the Jab was never meant to be the final solution, just the first of many?

  10. The entire “response” was orchestrated by the same individuals who have made a career of promoting the proposition that there are too many people on earth. The simple fact of the matter is President Trump injected himself into a government that these demons had infiltrated and gained almost complete control over and likewise the media, Big Tech, Big Pharma and academia.

    Now, here is what truly bothers these followers of Satan about other people. When they look out from their empty, miserable, unfulfilled lives at the world and see people who enjoy joyous and fulfilling lives it triggers envy and resentment the likes of which are totally unfamiliar to people who haven’t bought into Satan’s empty promises have a hard time getting their mind around.

    Satan is a murder, a liar and a thief and his followers wish to emulate their dark prince and in doing so curry favor with the one they admire. Don’t ever believe that progressives are atheists. Satan totally believes in God, Satan like Marx envied and resented God so thoroughly that they dedicated their lives to bringing God down to their level. Marx left written documentation detailing his hatred for God. My inclination is that the miserable bastard’s motivation for advocating for a political philosophy that inevitably leads to the abandonment of looking for joy and fulfillment where it is proven time and again it can be found to pursue a life dedicated to frustrating others who are making an effort to follow that path.

    Bottom line is they are simply incapable of altruism due to their resentment for anyone who has anything they feel they are more deserving of, but have been cheated out of. No one needs to look at the stated goals they put forward in advocating for their agenda. It’s all been tried and not only found wanting, there is documented evidence of what they deliver whenever and wherever they seize power and are able to implement their agenda Is increased innocent human suffering, misery and death.

    They can take their “good intentions” and screw them into their ear. They are incapable of good intentions. To concede good intent to Satan’s loyal followers is by extension to recognize Satan as something other than what he is.

    They purposely lied about early treatment, natural immunity, Ivermectin, HCQ, etc and deliberately and with forethought killed millions of innocent people. Now they claim “We deserve Covid amnesty.” Like hell they do. What they deserve is to shit their pants while they hang.

  11. @Thirdtwin

    That’s good analysis
    However, take this additional factoring into account

    There is a whole lotta ‘other’ shit going on in in this current simulation and when factored in . . .

    It’s too late, Baby

  12. I think the vax came out because people were not dying fast enough. Then the first vax wasn’t killing enough people so they diddled with it and made it more deadly. Then made it for children to kill even more. Does anyone know a world leader who died suddenly? Any high government offical. Any famous movie star? Quite a few teachers, doctors,nurses, athletes and just regular people though.

  13. DaveVA NOVEMBER 22, 2022 AT 7:46 AM
    I watched it yesterday. The OBGYN Dr. James Thorp stated that babies are having heart attacks in the womb. The punishment for these demons has not been devised yet.

    For personal reasons I’ve avoided posting the type of content I’m about to enter. I finally capitulate…

    The slight chance that my son might see or understand what I put here would I believe devastate him. We lost my grandson (still birth) and i believe it was the jab that did it. As I get older I’m not as emotionally strong as I used to be. This is true I believe for many in that the younger you are the more bullet proof you believe you are. The years (3/4 of a century this month) take that away and add concerns for those around you. SNS suggested I post this type of content and more, but couldn’t do it till now. Don’t consider myself a soy boy, but the tail end of this film found tears in my eyes.

    I believe this film should get the wildest possible dissemination and thank MJA for starting this thread.

    There’s another version (perhaps the same) on You Tube that is some forty minutes longer (Adds?). Haven’t watched that one, but again hope that either one or both be the heaviest first domino to cause the derailment of their great reset program.

    Words fail me to properly communicate my angst in dealing with family and others in any kind of debate on the “jab” and it will NEVER cease to amaze the degree of brain washing and acceptance of the sheeple. If I understand things 2/3 of the first world population are vaxxed.

    Is this then the winter of our discontent? (from Richard III, spoken by Gloucester – William Shakespeare)

  14. Precursor for 1 world government
    replete with the anti-christ that
    survives a mortal wound. Many will live
    to see this supernatural event……

  15. Thank you for posting the story of your grandson, Anymouse. I understand that took courage and I pray you are rewarded for it, even as I pray for those of your family that escaped the ill effects of it. I know it was a hard thing but we need to get ALL the stories out, you never know which one might literally save a life.

    I haven’t had anyone die on me lately, but I had fresh occasion today to recall one that did. I have recounted the story of the 19 yo who was the first patient I lost as an industrial first responder, so I will not rake it up again, but its germane to something I saw today.

    See, while I had hundreds of patients on the life squad and lost some in that role, my relationship to the scene was different. Like many who deal with tragedy in some form, me they medical, LEO, military, FF, what have you, I learned compartmentalization as a coping mechanism. Go there, do that, put the unit back in service, then push whatever into a different mental space so you don’t chew on it and can cope with the next tragedy, or simply be able to live your life without seeing a mind movie of horrid things every time you blink.

    This worked pretty well in that setting, but notso much in this one. See, I WORK my REGULAR job every day at the SAME PLACE where I’ve had to cope with other people’s medical emergencies, and even work with the same people I loaded on an ambulance at one time or another who recover and come back. Its weird, but that too mostly works by dint of dropping the subject entirely. Its not relevant to a working relationship at all.

    But sometimes it lurks in the ordinary corners where I pass my everyday.

    The kid in question collapsed partly into a toilet I used to use every day, where he was seen by the char staff under the stall. It’s a big bathroom so I can use a different fixture, but I do look under the stalls when I do in a way I wouldn’t have before.

    Just in case.

    Still, no big, whiz and move on, right? Most times yes, but today was different.

    That’s because when I left the bathroom today I saw a PSA on the TV. In bright colors, with cartoon superheros, pimping the Jab as sAfE aNd EfFeCTiVe.


    That just hit me.

    I had just left a room where I had attempted to breathe life into a 19 yo who wanted NOTHING but to make money for his grandma and set some aside for education to better himself. A 19 yo who probably took the commercials seriously when they said the Jab was the best way to protect his grandma.

    A 19 yo who would probably still BE there for his grandma had his government not spammed poison on him.

    It was like turning from the grave of a friend who was killed by a drunk driver, and seeing a billboard next to the cemetary promoting booze with a character drinking while leaning on a car. It was, in that place, in that time, to me incredibly tastesless at best and a promotion of the very Death I failed to turn aside to the most innocent of the Lord’s creations for ABOSOLUTELY NO BENEFIT TO ANYONE BUT THE PEOPLE PROMOTING IT.

    I had all I could do to not rip the receiver from the lunchroom wall, which I would have if I thought it would do any GOOD, but it would not reach the throats of the bastards who were simultaneously and continuously broadcasting this to every household, maybe inspiring a stay-at-home Mom to poison her baby, or get the child excited about potentially crippling themselves for the rest of their long lives to run and tell Dad they wanted to be vaccine superheroes too.

    I left. I could do nothing else.

    There are no words I have strong enough for the disgust I feel for those whose politics murder children. No opprobrium I can carry that can convey the naked hatred I have for those that destroy random youth in exchange for their own political power. No imprecation to the blackest demon in the foulest sump of hell that can speak to the evil of men who knowingly maim young children for no reason other than to protect themselves from legal liability.

    No way to impart to them the heartache and death they have given so many others that they had an excuse to rid themselves of a mean tweeting threat to their personal fortunes.

    My friend Anymouse had his heart ripped out by the same Jab that stopped the heart of his grandson. Not because mother or father or maybe not even doctor were stupid or evil or anything, but rather they acted on what USED to be the best advice from what USED to be the most trusted people, and no one WANTS to belive their own government will poison them over politics, so they consented.

    Not every shot creates a tragedy.

    But enough do that it should NEVER be used with a child or gestating mother.

    There is simply no benefit for a HUGE risk.

    A risk we may not fully understand until 3 decades from now.

    It is useless I know, but I cannot help but hate those who even now show colorful cartoons to knowingly lead many children to their death. Even now, with what is PROVEN deadly, they don’t back off.

    They will not stop unless they ARE stopped.

    Because they’ve killed too many to turn back now.

    God damn them.

    God damn them ALL.

  16. I’ve had a number of other acquaintances/friends that I believe were killed by the reactions to the jab from clots breaking free and killing to four months start to finish cancer diagnosis (brain) and dead, etc. All were completely healthy if not athletic in their lifestyle.

    On the plus side SNS reminds me that the granddaughter survived (twins) and yet I hold my breath waiting for the other shoe to drop with her health. I guess I’m negative by nature.

    Hope for the acceptance of whatever the hell comes to pass, but at my age the thought of life in prison doesn’t seem to be a long stretch if some might get my drift. And better end here before I compete with SNS’s length.

    Thanks for the support (SNS) when we were going through it. I never understood the way things were handled.

    They’ll be down for Thanksgiving and grandma’s cooking. Try to look at the good side of things as best I can.

  17. .
    A newly hired American Airlines regional jet pilot collapsed just after takeoff in Chicago on Saturday night
    At 7:59 p.m. on Sat., November 19, Captain Patrick Ford collapsed at the controls of his American Eagle Embraer 175 – only seconds after the 76-seat jet had left the runway in Chicago.

    Ford was speaking to an air traffic controller at Chicago O’Hare, one of the world’s busiest airports, when his voice abruptly stopped,

  18. Noting that the collapsed pilot is DEAD!

    Solution, don’t fly if you can drive…

    There’s multiple stories like this at The Burning Platform every day and elsewhere.

    Hey Wally, why ain’t the Main Stream Media reporting on events like this?
    Well Beav, I believe our friends in government have suggested they not do so and besides the owners are heavily invested in not bucking the government that butters their toast.

  19. Anymouse
    NOVEMBER 22, 2022 AT 5:33 PM
    “Noting that the collapsed pilot is DEAD!

    Solution, don’t fly if you can drive…”

    …a Northwest Airlines flight from Detroit that wasn’t configured properly for takeoff once hit the highway next to the airport so hard that passengers from the plane were found stuffed in cars on the highway, with the actual drivers some distance further on, all dead and burning.

    An El Al cargo plane out of Amsterdam suffered an engine failure on takeoff, resulting in it crashing into a low rent apartment complex near the airport, killing at least 39 people on the ground.

    A Belize Air cargo plane flying out of Mexico City had its cargo shift, crashing into a highway and killing 44 people on the ground.

    And that’s without getting into terrorism.

    An airplane can crash pretty much anywhere.

    And you don’t have to be on it to die of it.

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