Supreme Court allows House Democrats to have access to former President Trump’s tax records – IOTW Report

Supreme Court allows House Democrats to have access to former President Trump’s tax records

The House Ways and Means Committee has has not given an indication of the timeline of when they will get access to the documents.

25 Comments on Supreme Court allows House Democrats to have access to former President Trump’s tax records

  1. This is and always has been a freaken joke. Stop and think about it. If I’m going to do something slightly illegal monetarily, that will be hidden in my companies Corporate returns, not my freaken personal returns. And Trump International Tax Records are in the public domain.

  2. The crooked ones have their money hidden in foundations, .orgs, and libraries.
    Not in corporations.
    The “Biden Cancer Initiative” didn’t spend a dime on cancer. It was a cancer.

  3. Great point Sippin’
    It’s the only way to stop this kind of shit.
    Just like the next election ABSOLUTELY MUST be ballot harvested by the Republicans.

    It’s the only way to be sure…nuke them from above on their own petard for the gander with fire and an eye for an eye…

  4. LocoBlancoSaltine
    NOVEMBER 23, 2022 AT 12:21 AM
    “the next election”


    You still think…Oh, that’s CUTE!

    Yeppers, the next “election”, do what ya gotta do!

    Lucks to ya!


  5. Beachmom

    Bush picked Roberts because he was the most liberal appellate judge in America 17 years ago. Kev like Roberts is a BUSH REPUBLICAN. BUSH REPUBLICANS ARE DEMOCRATS! Why have we given almost $100 Billion to Hunter’s partner? Because of BBUSH REPUBLICANS.

    Jo will not be bothered! The UNIPARTY is going after Don; BUSH REPUBLICANS are the driving force in the UNIPARTY!

  6. Once again, No one wants to hear it;

    The SCOTUS cost you the “Red Wave” by their Abortion ruling.
    It mobilized the Young & Stupid who normally wouldn’t vote.
    Pelosi & the rest of the Demos warned about the abortion issue & SCOTUS did exactly what the Filth said.
    The rest was obviously done by the usual techniques & Voting machine “problems”.

    They should have WAITED until after the Mid terms before their ruling, but they knew that didn’t they.

  7. “The SCOTUS cost you the “Red Wave” by their Abortion ruling.”

    That’s idiocy on steroids. Massive voter fraud is systemic. There was one fairly honest state wide vote count and that was Florida which in the past 2 years enacted a number of new laws.

    Included were strengthening existing voter ID laws, banning ballot harvesting, prohibiting unsolicited mass mailing of ballots, increasing election transparency, and prohibiting private money from administering elections.

    What happened there? Miami/Dade County, a forever dem stronghold finally had a legitimate election and gee guess what? yeah And it was the same thing statewide.

    I’d pay a dollar to see the same thing here in what’s touted as a hopeless blue state.

    When all UNIPARTY leaders( Bush, Pelosi, Reed) said he was conservative I said likely he is far left. I spent 6 hrs reading his rulings (had to ModulateDemodulate then. Wire. Now I have fiber optic and its 10,000 times faster!) John made it clear 20 years ago the only use for the Constitution was TP! His rulings were hyper liberal. UNIPARTY all lied! John has always been far left! Which is why
    GWB picked him!

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