It’s a Mental Illness – IOTW Report

It’s a Mental Illness

American Thinker:
By Andrea Widburg

Cambridge academics claim medieval art proves Christ was transgender.

In the old days, Michael Banner and Joshua Heath would have suffered a greater consequence than tears, cries of “heresy,” and sternly worded letters. In 2022, though, that’s all that Church of England worshippers have got when a research fellow and the Dean of Trinity College at Cambridge both contend that Christ was “transgender” and offer as evidence medieval paintings that they claim show vaginal images of the wound in Christ’s side from the soldier’s spear. This claim is Biblically idiotic, as well as being stupid about the medieval mind and actual stab wounds. more

23 Comments on It’s a Mental Illness

  1. Normalizing Crazy!
    All part and parcel of fuking up the next generation! I really don’t think anyone over 30 takes this stuff very seriously, however if children are constantly exposed to this whackery on a daily basis, whadya think they’re going to be like 20 years from now???

  2. Heresy and blasphemy tied up with a fancy bow atop.

    The writer speculates that the CoE academics perhaps have never seen real stab wounds. I imagine they’ve never seen real lady parts, either. Maybe the mentally ill who have had genital surgery in order to try being a woman have had bad luck because, in the first place, that lady part is in the wrong place.

    This is ridiculous.

    Watch and pray.

  3. maybe someone should stab him in the side as a point of comparison for, you know, Science.

    …then as he bleeds out he can tell us just how vaginal it feels from the inside, but he’ll have to WRITE it since the spear pierced the diaphram too…

  4. This claim is pure evil – they invert everything. It is their disgusting Baphomet that displays whatever the hell that confusion is. That is the genesis of preying on children sexually, sacrificing them, stealing their innocence etc.

  5. Medieval painters never actually saw Christ’s wounds. They could have painted the wound in Jesus’s side to resemble the state of Rhode Island (which these painters also never saw), but that that doesn’t prove Christ was from New England.

  6. Wyatt, Insensitive and Progressive Jerk —

    I’ve been doing the deep dive on all things Turin shroud and Holy Land archeological finds lately, and very interesting discoveries point to artists’ first rendering of Christ’s face and body. I’ll get some of this wrong, so you should research it too. (too lazy to look it up right now)

    In its travels, the burial shroud of Jesus made its way from Jerusalem to somewhere in Assyria and then to Constantinople(?), where it was displayed by the king. It was then, while on display, that same king had coins struck with the face — as depicted as a negative image on the shroud — of Jesus, as a way of commemorating the shroud and its importance. The shroud was also viewed by various artists at the time and first depicted in iconography, paintings, carvings, etc; also correctly depicting what they saw on the shroud, including the quite visible blood stains outlining the wound in Jesus’ side, as well as the wounds at his forehead from the “crown” (which was really more of a skull cap) of thorns. One of the most important ways in which people who study the shroud point to the shroud itself as the origin of these artistic renderings is that the art depicts only 4 digits (fingers) on each hand, and never the thumbs showing with his hands folded in a particular way across his lower torso. This is a key characteristic of the shroud which would not have been known to artists had they not seen it for themselves.

    There is only one reason why the dean of Trinity College, his research Fellow, and anyone associated with the CoE would try to convince anyone that Jesus Christ, King-of-Kings and Lord of Lords, was “transgender”, and that’s because they have been given over to their reprobate minds by God, and are now unable to think clearly. The CoE has been thoroughly infiltrated by the evil one (his commie minions) in the same way that every other denomination has, as well as the Catholics.

  7. @AbigailAdams: a few years ago I also researched the Shroud of Turin, but I can’t recall much about that research other than one theory was that it was actually a depiction of Jacques de Molay.

    I suppose the matter could have been put to rest if people had examined Christ’s body shortly after the crucifixion, but for some reason it wasn’t around.

  8. Wyatt — You should look into the most recent research on the subject — it’s fascinating! There’s one guy, though, who gets on my nerves; Barry Schartz (Shwortz?), anyway, he’s made his living on the lecture circuit (including a Ted Talk, I think), yukking it up over the fact that as one of the main guys on the 20-man, 1970’s team who did a forensic examination of the shroud, even he is convinced.

    In the main, there are many more very serious scientists and researchers who have since debunked the erroneous carbon dating that was done in the 1980s(?). Turned out they dated a piece of the shroud’s fabric that was patched onto the shroud, and not the original shroud’s fabric. Of greater note is that scientists have conclusively ruled out the image was produced using ANY known substance (paint, charring by heat, water, etc), and that only the very outer (inner side of the cloth) twinings of the individual threads of the woven material have been irradiated in some manner unknown to science at this time. They posit that the only thing that could have created such an effect would be a very brief, very intense blast of light (IR or UV?) that would have been the equivalent of all the electrical output of the earth at one time. Further, there are some scientists who believe they have detected movement of the cloth or body at the time of the image was made, as they have recently discovered what appears to be a kind of strobe effect in which duplicate images of the body appear (like the strobe pictures of a golf or tennis swing, for example).

    As for me, based on what I’ve learned, I believe it to be the real burial shroud of Christ Jesus. They have found burial shrouds of the same era and none of them exhibit the supernatural characteristics, or do they possess any corroboration by witnesses, of the one in Turin.

  9. These hack, fake professors are speaking for satan. After their deaths, satan’s beasts will be fucking their trans loving ass with their thorny dicks for eternity.

  10. “If these creeps really want to make a stir, suggest that Mohammed was transgender.”

    No guts; no glory.

    They wouldn’t last through the night.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  11. This theory makes sense only to people who are as ignorant of art as they are of religion.

    Reminds me of a story on the National Geographic website from a few years ago when there was some work being done to the interior of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. The caption on one of the photos refers to “the surface of the stone slab venerated as the final resting place of Jesus Christ.” No, it was the temporary resting place of Jesus. There was nothing final about it; that’s the whole point…


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