‘Kick non-woke patients to the curb’? Mass General Brigham speech code includes blacklist on care – IOTW Report

‘Kick non-woke patients to the curb’? Mass General Brigham speech code includes blacklist on care


Awealthy Massachusetts healthcare system that went on a controversial advertising spree to justify its encroachment on cheaper hospitals is now sending patients a different message: Watch your language.

“Words or actions that are disrespectful, racist, discriminatory, hostile, or harassing are not welcome” at Mass General Brigham (MGB), according to a “Patient Code of Conduct” imposed this fall after a year of development.

The Oct. 6 video for the update, featuring Senior Medical Director for Health Equity Allison Bryant, says it applies to further constituencies: “Patient, Family, Visitor, and Research Participant Code of Conduct.”

The code covers not only “physical or verbal threats and assaults” and “sexual or vulgar words or actions,” but also “offensive comments about others’ race, accent, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or other personal traits” or refusal to see staff based on those traits. It frowns on “unwelcome words or actions” as well.

While patients can give their side when accused of violating the code, MGB warns that it may ask them to “make other plans for their care” in response to some violations. They might also be banned from “future non-emergency care … though we expect this to be rare.” 

MGB emphasizes that “many healthcare systems across the country have similar codes of conduct” but didn’t cite any. The code gives no minimum number of violations before a patient would be kicked out or banned from future non-emergency care. more

20 Comments on ‘Kick non-woke patients to the curb’? Mass General Brigham speech code includes blacklist on care

  1. While that goes a bridge too far, there are many things to be said against asswipe “patients”. There is a certain percentage of asswipes who use the hospitals as a hotel, and are… uhhh… asswipes.

  2. That would thin the herd considerably if not adjusted to reflect “cultural norms.” My guess he only intends that it to be applied to people from cultures that a certain standard of decency is expected as the normal.

  3. If you refuse to care for a patient because you’re butthurt, you’re in the wrong business.

    People seeking care are not at their best. They are not happy to be sick. They are not happy to be injured. The sickness or injury was often a surprise. People in physical and/or emotional pain often lash out at every one and every thing.

    If you don’t understand that or can’t deal witn it, go raise flowers instead.

    You have no business dealing with the sick and injured.

  4. CHI Mercy Healthcare hospital in Roseburg, Oregon has that same manifesto on all their walls. Can’t even say shit, literally. Retired nurse here, this is woke BS and it will back fire on the staff and the hospital. Why I don’t go at all to hospitals, don’t trust them.

  5. “Going Woke” is big business, and business is booming for companies like this: https://www.rti.org

    “We are an independent nonprofit research institute dedicated to improving the human condition”

    I came upon their website by accident the other day while researching info on another company, also called RTI. What a surprise this was! Spend a few minutes digging around their website and don’t skip their “About” page.

  6. This is expected to be advocated by the left.
    That is their latest obsession.
    Remember that nurse who insisted who voted for Conservatives in the UK should be denied healthcare and ‘don’t deserve to be resuscitated’?
    This is where this is heading. Medical tyranny, brought to you by the “loving and caring” left.

  7. Massachusetts gave us Romney and he’s a Mormon. Since Joseph Smith supposedly had an occult encounter (was he higher than a kite smoking wacky weed or taking some magic mushrooms or practicing an early form of transcendental meditation “om/owoom” to believe the bs of this supposed angelic being) with the angel Moroni, shouldn’t Mormons really be called Morons.

  8. …people in pain often can’t process what you’re doing, and aren’t particularly polite if what you’re doing hurts…

    …one of my first patients that I was asked to assist with en route to my EMT license (and by “Asked” I mean someone yelled GET IN HERE!” and by “Assist” I mean I got to hold a guy down and pick up the used wrappers later) with a doc who was planting a chest tube in a roofer who fell off his roof, apparently onto his ribs, and broke his anger management gland in the process. I was up top, holding the guy’s wrists so he didn’t distract the doc while he was cutting a hole in his side. In fairness, he was being as cooperative as possible under the circumstances (a rapidly progressing tension pneumothorax WILL do that to you), but the situation was dire and didn’t allow for little niceties like anaesthetic. So when the doc cut him, I had to hang on for dear life to keep the doc from getting swatted, as the guy threw every curse word he could at me, the doc, the nurse, the guy in the next bay, God, etc., and made some up when he ran out, all with what little breath he had left. The little Hindu doc was unfazed by this, or by the farty air sounds and gush of side blood, and just said calmly (imagine this with an Indian accent) “cursing me will nothing to help YOU”, and simply contined to treat the patient. The nature of this injury provided that this gave the poor guy IMMEDIATE relief, though, and he settled right down, even apologized to everyone as they continued to save his life.

    In that tumbling torrent of terrifed Tourettes, I’m pretty sure there were some racial and religious imprecations aimed at the doc, along with calling my parentage into question and the morals of the nurse along with lots of other color commentary. So in Brigham’s world, should it be OK if the doc had put offense over medicine and simply stopped wherever he was in the procedure until the patient apologized or passed out? Should I have been allowed to release his arms in disgust and left him to flail at his scapel-wielding doctor? Should the nurse have been allowed to storm from the room in high choler, leaving the doc with a bumbling proto medic and forcing him to get his own damn supplies and suction the blood himself with his free hand?

    Of course not.

    Not one person in the room would have even CONSIDERED it. We all knew, even I, that it went with the territory.

    But that was a few decades and a lot of Affirmative Action ago. Many years of indoctrination ago. Things change and the kids are MUCH more sensitive now.

    The only restraint, then, on simply abandoning a patient over butthurt in a crisis situation is the restraint of legal duty and moral obligation.

    And now they want to take THOSE away.

    Because, feelz.

    Modern medicine disgusts me. And it’s only getting worse.

    As Obamacare was designed to do.

    Thanks, Democrats.



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