Judge Denies Department of Justice Request to Hold Donald Trump in Contempt – IOTW Report

Judge Denies Department of Justice Request to Hold Donald Trump in Contempt

Breitbart: A federal judge on Friday denied the U.S. Department of Justice’s (DOJ) request to hold former President Donald Trump in contempt for allegedly failing to comply with a grand jury subpoena.

DOJ attorneys urged chief U.S. judge for the District of Columbia Beryl Howell to hold Trump in contempt for his alleged failure to comply with a subpoena issued in May that demanded Trump’s custodian of records turn over any documents marked classified that the former president had in his possession.

However, team Trump turned over boxes and other federal records to federal law enforcement in January and June. The investigation into Trump’s handling of White House documents after his presidency ended led to August’s raid on his Mar-a-Lago estate, where the FBI seized hundreds of documents and other unrelated items from Trump’s home. MORE

7 Comments on Judge Denies Department of Justice Request to Hold Donald Trump in Contempt

  1. Contempt just begins to scratch the surface regarding the regard anyone who is paying attention and gives a shit about America should hold the FBI and rest of the Deep State in.

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