US sanctions Russia, China and Iran for human rights violations – IOTW Report

US sanctions Russia, China and Iran for human rights violations

Can you hear the laughter?

JTN: The United States imposed sanctions on Friday on different people and entities due to alleged human rights violations, including Russia’s Central Election Commission, Iranian officials, and Chinese nationals.

Chinese Nationals Li Zhenyu and Zhuo Xinrong, and 10 entities linked to them, were among those sanctioned. Also sanctioned was Nasdaq-listed Pingtan Marine Enterprise (PME), over what Washington says are human rights abuses tied to China-based illegal fishing, according to the U.S. Treasury Department. more

8 Comments on US sanctions Russia, China and Iran for human rights violations

  1. I guess usurping political offices through fraudulent elections (and thus committing Treason by denying the people the right to choose their representatives), death jabs, and J6 political prisoners aren’t “human rights violations?”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. So you will ignore the hundreds of thousands they have sold in indentured servitude and the child sex slaves coming across the southern border.
    Blameing someone else for what they’re already doing.

  3. @Jerry Manderin December 10, 2022 at 2:55 pm

    > I wish Putin would fill in as president until 2024.

    Would you settle for, “He identifies as POTUS”?

    Seems close enough, for government work. These days.


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