Twitter Flagged The Term ‘My Pillow’ As Misinformation – IOTW Report

Twitter Flagged The Term ‘My Pillow’ As Misinformation

PM: As Elon Musk continues the process of revealing the meltdowns and excessive censorship under Twitter 1.0, a curious discovery was made by independent journalist Kristen Ruby.

In an epic thread documenting Twitter’s American “Political Misinfo Detection AI List”, it was revealed that the phrase “My Pillow” was flagged by Twitter for misinformation.

“I have obtained exclusive access to documents that have never been publicly revealed. The information I am about to share with you has never been released. This information is of public concern and the below thread includes my reporting on it.

“Unlike the other writers involved in reporting on The Twitter Files, I do not have access to any direct information from Twitter. My information is from a direct source. I do not have the same level of legal protection these other writers have. I am taking the risk anyway,” Ruby tweeted.

Tweet number 29 of the thread reveals that “My Pillow” was part of Twitter’s detection AI. MORE

13 Comments on Twitter Flagged The Term ‘My Pillow’ As Misinformation

  1. I tried sending my sister an email with in the body of the email. It kept failing to go through. I used a URL shortener and the email went through just fine. Cox cable was blocking my pillow. I emailed my pillow and told them. about a month later I tried again and it went through just fine. Your ISP scans all your emails.


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