GOPs in Arizona & Texas Call For Ronna McDaniel’s Resignation After Statements of ‘No Confidence’ – IOTW Report

GOPs in Arizona & Texas Call For Ronna McDaniel’s Resignation After Statements of ‘No Confidence’

National File: The Republican Party of Texas, similar to the Arizona GOP, called for the resignation of Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman, Ronna Romney McDaniel, in a public statement of no confidence published on Tuesday.

“The Texas Republican Party made its announcement in a statement entitled, “Time for New Leadership at the Republican National Committee.”

“Therefore, be it resolved that the Republican Party of Texas has no confidence in the leadership of Chairman McDaniel and believes she must be replaced as RNC chair,” the Texas GOP said.

The GOP in the Lone Star State called directly on Matt Rinaldi, the Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas and the Vice Chair of Texas for Trump, Toni Anne Dashiell, to take action at the behest of the “grassroots’ profound dissatisfaction with the RNC.” MORE

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