Nearly Half Say Washington Should Push for Peace in Ukraine – IOTW Report

Nearly Half Say Washington Should Push for Peace in Ukraine

National File: According to a recent poll, nearly half of the American public (47%) want the U.S. government to wind down its involvement in Ukraine and push for a peace deal to end the conflict. This is up from 38% when the same survey was conducted in July.

An Ipsos poll conducted by The Chicago Council on Global Affairs found that lessening costs on American households is an increasingly important factor for those who want a peace deal. Rising costs of living have been an increasing burden on American household, which have largely stemmed from rising energy prices, food prices and near record-high inflation.

The poll also found that a plurality of Americans, 65%, support the continuation of arms flows to Ukraine, while 66% are in favor of continued economic aid. 73% of respondents said Ukrainian refugees should be welcomed to the U.S., while 75% support continued sanctions on Russia.

These figures present some contradictions, though the poll seemingly indicated that Americans are growing increasingly weary of the current level of support provided to the war-torn nation. Just 40% of Americans believe the U.S. should maintain its current level of support “indefinitely,” while 27% support direct military action against Russia.

On the other end of the spectrum, 29% of respondents want the United States to gradually wind down its involvement in Ukraine. MORE HERE

15 Comments on Nearly Half Say Washington Should Push for Peace in Ukraine

  1. And then there is JDHasty who thinks “Washington” should not have been using the Ukraine as a One Stop Money Laundering Shop in the first place and had no legitimate business involving America in foreign conflicts in the first place.

  2. @ joe6pak DECEMBER 14, 2022 AT 11:30 AM

    There is a lot to be said for minding your own Goddamned business. Unfortunately those words of wisdom are lost on morons who have succumbed to progressivism.

  3. @General Malaise
    DECEMBER 14, 2022 AT 12:06 PM
    “The one (and only one) good thing about our involvement with Ukraine is our weapons seem to have caused China to temporarily scratch their heads over attacking Taiwan.”

    Until they are finished back-engineering the unexploded ordnance in Ukraine, and all the stuff Joe left behind in Afghanistan.

  4. All part of the Dems “Truman Show”.
    I really doubt 65% of the people believe this, anymore than 81 million votes.
    They don’t want peace in Ukraine until they can find another money funnel.

  5. These polls measure how far into an average persons mind the media propaganda has penetrated. They have to engineer enough support for the selected path decided by the State to make it seem naturally arising from popular sentiment. IMHO

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