A Solution to the Illegal Immigrant Problem Mysteriously Appears In El Paso, Texas – IOTW Report

A Solution to the Illegal Immigrant Problem Mysteriously Appears In El Paso, Texas

RedState: The illegal migrant problem is out of control as our porous border allows thousands of people to stream into the country with little to nothing to stop them from doing so. The Biden administration hasn’t just done nothing to help, they actually punished Border Patrol agents for doing their jobs.

The solution to the problem is rather simple. More agents and equipment at the border and a wall. All Biden had to do was do what his predecessor President Donald Trump did. Instead, he took the opposite route and instead sent his VP, Kamala Harris, south of the border to ask them nicely.

Needless to say, it didn’t work, and the illegal immigration problem got far worse.

Texas is, by far, the worst state being hit and countless stories of farmers and ranchers stumbling upon horrific scenes and witnessing crowds of illegals trekking through their land are common. Apparently, someone had had enough and came up with a solution.

If a wall won’t be built, then we’ll erect a fence.

15 Comments on A Solution to the Illegal Immigrant Problem Mysteriously Appears In El Paso, Texas

  1. Yeah, I heard some politician say we need more money for the immigration problem to pay for more asylum centers. So, we need more money to attract and house illegal alien invaders.

  2. How about:
    One year in jail and a ten thousand dollar fine for every illegal hired by a manager, rented to by a landlord or provided with welfare by a social worker. No job, no house and no welfare? They’ll self deport.

  3. Yeah, like Heretic I believe in making it painful for anyone who employs an illegal, then they will go home. But that won’t happen without a backbone, which also tells people not to come in the first place and doesn’t allow them over the border. It was working reasonably well, not well enough, under Trump, but Joey is waving them all in and paying them to be here. Which in itself is illegal, but he knows the AG so it doesn’t matter.

  4. The illegal workers are buried within a layer of other corporations, that pimp them out for work. The place that hires them, do so through one of these hiring agencies so they have plausible deniability. Also, the illegals have no one to complain to or risk deportation/disappeared/death. Family units are easier to exploit, as they can threaten their families as well.
    Related link posted in bullpen.

  5. I remember a video somebody posted of an illegal climbing over Trump’s wall with the help of a ladder and someone else. The video was meant to show how people could get over the wall. It was ratioed y people saying it took several minutes for the person to get across and he needed someone’s help as opposed to dozens getting across in a minute without the wall.

  6. @RadioMattM – yeah, the naysayers point laughingly and say ‘look, this guy got over’, but the point isn’t 100% stop but rather to make it really difficult, and to create bottlenecks that can be controlled. If we stopped 99% then we could round up the last 1%. And that’s the design, because stopping 100% at the wall is too costly.

  7. Wild Bill DECEMBER 14, 2022 AT 7:47 PM

    Two fences 20 ft apart with a minefield between them


    Hell, If I were a Mexican peasant child, I’d get great satisfaction from setting off mines with a sling shot or something.

    I’d get an A when I got back to school and write my “What I did on Summer vacation” essay.

  8. My wife worked as an accountant for a construction company whose black owner regularly hired illegal aliens. The black HR guy was tasked to provide false ID’s and social security numbers for them. Those workers worked in some of the largest refineries along the Gulf coast. What did the black owner have on the wall behind his desk? A photo of him and Barack H. Obama together.

  9. If a problem persists for more than a couple of weeks, it’s not a problem: it’s a policy.

    Failing schools – since the 1950s.
    Illegal immigration – since the 1990s.
    Welfare – since the 1960s.
    Tendency towards Totalitarianism – since WWI.
    Gov’t/Socialist control of Colleges and Universities – since the 1940s.

    A country doesn’t just wake up one day neck deep in shit.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  10. When the invasion was one fiftieth of what it is today and there was a functioning legal system, my ranch house was taken over by a family of four plus the good friend of the father…He, the father , was very nice when he met me at the door several times and even asked me to watch a boxing match on tv one night. Behind him, moved from a wall holder in another room was my shotgun. So, I got him evicted, very easy in Texas, but the Sheriff was visibly upset at having to fulfill the forced removal , fearing a shoot out. However, he seemed to indirectly give me some leeway, perhaps, depending etc. So, driving by at night and day discovered the only pattern that put the woman, the friend and the father in the same place and that was a 7:30 tv program. With a blanket over me, a pistol and a small wood bat, I lunged into the dining area, ran to the adjoining living room and was able to do serious damage to the two men and, when the Banshee began to do damage to me I was able to kick her into submission….dragged everyone outside including the kids and called the Sheriff. Not much was said as they were taken away, and I was told that they were all deported after the Sheriff told me that pressing charges was a dangerous option…I know , I am positive, that thousands of Americans…Texans..go to church or the grocery store and return to find twenty or more illegals now live in their house. This evil is purposeful and a vile part of Biden and Democrat subhumans and I can only assume that no one north of Texas knows about this crime because of news blackouts and neither do I believe that they would care if informed. I have a friend fro the farm days and he tells me that his elderly mother who lives in a trailer, I can imagine the Leftist sneering, has always twelve or so living under her home for shelter from the sun and infrequent rain. They rotate sitters in order to take her to church..everyone is armed yet daily someone loses a home. I hate Democrats no. w.

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