Biden Sends Pallets Of Cash To The Taliban – How Do You Think They Will Spend It? – IOTW Report

Biden Sends Pallets Of Cash To The Taliban – How Do You Think They Will Spend It?

AND Magazine: The U.S. Central Command recently made a big deal about announcing that it had killed two mid-level ISIS officials during a raid in Syria. We were assured that this was a great victory and that Americans were much safer now that these two individuals were no longer with us.

“ISIS continues to represent a threat to the security and stability of the region. This operation reaffirms CENTCOM’s steadfast commitment to ensuring the group’s enduring defeat,” said Joe Buccino, a Central Command spokesperson. “The death of these ISIS officials will disrupt the terrorist organization’s ability to further plot and carry out destabilizing attacks in the Middle East.”

No doubt the men who carried out this mission are amongst our finest. No doubt the world will be a better place without the two ISIS leaders who were killed. One cannot help but wonder, however, about the priorities of the Biden administration and its avowed dedication to American national security.

ISIS in Syria is a shadow of its former self. Meanwhile, thousands of miles away, a much more formidable enemy, the new terrorist super state of Afghanistan grows in power by the day unimpeded. In fact, not only are we not stopping the Taliban from increasing in power we are now financing them. MORE

21 Comments on Biden Sends Pallets Of Cash To The Taliban – How Do You Think They Will Spend It?

  1. They will spend the money wisely & use it to modernize their Government and Education system by promoting Diversity, Increasing Women & Homosexuals in the Work Place, & Green Energy.



    Could go either way…

  2. “The Taliban are the biggest drug dealers on the planet. They engage in money laundering on an industrial scale.”


    Put “Democrats” where it says “Taliban”, and it still works…

  3. The progressive movement is a Satanist cult and it’s followers are always ultimately motivated by a compulsion to increase innocent human suffering, misery and death here on earth. It is absolutely known to anyone who is paying attention what they will do with it. Any claims of humanitarian aid must be judged in terms of what history makes clear and that includes recent history.

    So, I have posted in the past that the acts carried out by Antifa are done so in service to Satan and the progressive movement is his earthly kingdom of willing followers. Antifa are the foot soldiers, that is how they feel they have been called to serve their dark prince. But, as I have previously posted, anyone who supports the progressive political philosophy feel called to follow a murder, a thief and a liar. Satan gets off on the acts carried out in his service. No doubt. His followers get their kicks watching it go down, no one who is the least bit aware can doubt that. But, they also live vicariously through the acts carried out by their fellow travelers.

    Biden is but a figure head, how can that be missed? The followers of the figure head’s religion, lead by those who make up his illegitimate malAdministration, are just as responsible as he is. Each and every one of them. Make no mistake, they voted for this.

    Satan is a murder, a liar and a thief, of course he is all aboard with reducing the population by six-billion people. Am I saying that each and every person who supports and votes to advance progressive Marxist/Satanism, his supporters, are all in with that? Yes absolutely.

    So what is in it for them? They live vicariously through the murderous acts of those on the front lines who are only carrying outputting the political philosophy of the the likes of Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab into practice. In todays world they are not keeping what they are doing a secret. To be ignorant of what they are up to demands willful ignorance and willful ignorance excuses or mitigates nothing. It is evidence of even greater complicity and culpability.

    Good and decent people must wake up and smell the coffee. Each and every person who subscribes to the progressive worldview is a knowing and willing enemy of The Good. They are straight up Satanists who are serving their master here on earth by supporting people whose mission is to increase innocent human suffering, misery and death. But it goes much deeper, look at who they are targeting with their drag queen story hour and other “family friendly” grooming of children and the answer is immediately clear. Everyone who aligns with the progressive political philosophy is hell bent on sitting by and watching, if not actively participating in, separating innocent human souls from God. Each and every Goddamned one of them.

    Trust me on this, their protestations to the opposite be damned, they are getting off by living what the active participants are doing vicariously and know that in doing so they please their dark prince.

    It’s all connected. Every aspect of progressivism is motivated by malicious intent. The followers of progressivism know this and accept it as their calling. It’s high time good and decent people stop conceding good intentions to others who are demonstrably incapable of even the least bit of sincerity.

  4. My neighbor is a flaming liberal. She votes Democrat regardless. Biden, Clinton, Obama and whatever else they run. She simply will not see the truth no matter what facts are presented to her. I was having a conversation with her recently and told her that whomever supports candidates like this are no better than they are – corrupt, liars and people who want to destroy this country. I’m amazed that people like her can support obviously destructive candidates. As a former student of clinical psychology I find it difficult to analyze such behavior. When challenged, she says she doesn’t know enough about the subject / facts to comment.

  5. Probably on black market weapons from Ukraine. No doubt there’s some better weaponry available there to augment the stuff Groomer Biden and Top Pup Austin left behind in Afghanistan.

  6. A large portion of the population are living in the Truman Show. They believe everything the media tells them, incapable of independent thought.
    If even a single election is proven to be FAKE, it also negates the democratic party, which in turn provides proof of the FAKE media.
    It’s a long uphill battle, especially over stupidity and those with their head buried in the sand.

  7. Vicious Sid,

    My Neighbour across the street was exactly the same but With Turdo & The Shit Libs.
    Well After 4 COOF shots she’s dead as a door nail.

    Her Poor son In Law was the Only Conservative in the Family.
    He’s doing Great but carrying everyone else’s ASS.

    Almost Forgot, FMP for backstabbing DJT

  8. Yeah, right. The taliban. Sure he is.

    Grifters will grift. Hell obamination sent pallet of cash to Iran, (I think it was Iran).

    Big Joe is just following the trend. How else do we think congress thrives get so damn rich? It’s not all bribes. They are robbing us blind.

    All the money ‘sent’ to Ukraine, yeah, right!

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