FDA researchers find Pfizer COVID vaccine linked to blood clots in ages 65 and up – IOTW Report

FDA researchers find Pfizer COVID vaccine linked to blood clots in ages 65 and up

JTN– Food and Drug Administration researchers have found that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is linked to higher instances of adverse effects in people ages 65 and older, but still says the benefits of getting shot “outweigh” the potential risks of being infected by the virus.

Using data up to Jan. 15, 2022, the study of more than 25 million people published by Science Direct earlier this month found that 0.06% of people over the age of 65 who receive the Pfizer COVID vaccine develop a pulmonary embolism, or a clot, typically of blood, in the lungs. 

The researchers also noted an increased chance of people over 65 experiencing blood clots, platelet disorders and heart attacks after receiving the Pfizer vaccine. more

22 Comments on FDA researchers find Pfizer COVID vaccine linked to blood clots in ages 65 and up

  1. The evil mother f*ckers here in MI, are pushing this shit hard for kids.
    The lousy c*not that calls herself “governor”, wasn’t happy with just killing the elderly in nursing homes, now she’s aiming for the cradle.

  2. “…but still says the benefits of getting shot “outweigh” the potential risks of being infected by the virus.”

    NO ONE who took the shots was able to give informed consent because the RISKS were CENSORED, the benefits were FALSIFIED, and it all happened under state and corporate COERSION.

    Every single shot was an ethical CRIME and medical malpractice.

    …and of course the very same FDA who demands to be heard was neck deep in it.

  3. Kcir — Ugh! Shingles. I don’t know the truth of this, but I’ve read/heard that the clot shot weakens otherwise normal immunity (from other vaccines). No vaccine is 100%, though, so maybe it had nothing to do with shingles breakthrough. IDK.

    I had shingles in the spring and it’s no fun at all, but was able to catch it within the first 72 hours so that the medicine they gave me was effective. I wasn’t vaccinated for it and although there is a new vaccine out, I’m still not getting vaccinated for it.

  4. “but still says the benefits of getting shot “outweigh” the potential risks”

    You’re shitting me!!! Morticians would say the same thing, they see endless blood clots in their line of work. Person is dead, so no asking them how they feel about the jab.

  5. @Kcir: “My 4 time shot cousin is out with shingles this week AFTER having 2 Hits of Shingles Vax.”

    Well, was she expecting a different outcome? Pedo Joe said if you get the covid vax, you won’t get covid. He didn’t say how many you needed, but if 4 jabs, then 2 herpe shots, bound to get some kind of reaction. I’m surprised your cousin is still with us.

  6. AA & others,

    I got shot twice.
    I had to to work. Too many dependants and I’m also the type to jump on a grenade for my family. Hell my everyday job has been on roofs for 36 years. Who cares?

    I will say that I believe that those shots weakened EVERYTHING ELSE about me for about 6 months. No reactions or anything else, just feeling like a bit LESS of myself and spending the time to get back to who I am.

    if it makes any sense…

    Many other people I know had those little everyday ailments hurt just a bit more for about 4 to 6 months too.

  7. Kcir — I was talking about not getting the shingles vaccine. I haven’t had the covid shots either, but I have friends who were in the same situation as you — and it was so early on, before the risks were coming to light.

    When clients asked if I’d been vaccinated, I always said yes, because I was in the military and I’ve got a four page shot record, just not the covid ones.


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