Biden’s 8th In-Person Interview Of His Presidency Is Substance-Free – IOTW Report

Biden’s 8th In-Person Interview Of His Presidency Is Substance-Free

Daily Caller: President Joe Biden sat down for a rare one-on-one, in-person sit-down interview with actress Drew Barrymore to talk about his relationship with first lady Jill Biden and to play a newlywed-style game.

By the Daily Caller’s count, the president has had eight one-on-one, in-person sit-down interviews throughout his presidency so far, including with CBS, 60 Minutes, MSNBC, CNN, NBC, Jimmy Kimmel and professor Heather Cox Richardson. Joe Biden has also had the least amount of press conferences of any president this century, with many of them limited to a few questions.

Barrymore recorded the interview with the Bidens at the White House, thanking the president repeatedly for his policies and saying he’s a “beacon of hope.” Her questions did not touch upon any of his politics. more

13 Comments on Biden’s 8th In-Person Interview Of His Presidency Is Substance-Free

  1. A “beacon of hope” for what … exactly?

    Didn’t Obola “hope” about stuff, too?
    Hope isn’t much on which to base politics.
    I guess America is “hopeful” we’ll have a country after the Retarded Usurping Pedophile Biden’s through with us.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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