Oops? Biden BLS overstated jobs numbers by more than 1 million, raising manipulation concerns – IOTW Report

Oops? Biden BLS overstated jobs numbers by more than 1 million, raising manipulation concerns

Who’s Lying and How Is This Possible?

JTN: An assessment from the Philadelphia Federal Reserve has found that the Bureau of Labor Statistics dramatically overstated second quarter jobs numbers, prompting scrutiny from Republicans who have raised concerns of politically motivated manipulation of federal statistics.

The BLS reported that the U.S. economy saw a net gain of 1,047,000 jobs in the second quarter, per the Washington Times, while the Philadelphia Fed contends the figure was actually a mere 10,500 jobs.

Moreover, BLS data overstated employment numbers in 29 states and the District of Columbia by significant margins compared to the same metrics from the Philadelphia Fed report. MORE

9 Comments on Oops? Biden BLS overstated jobs numbers by more than 1 million, raising manipulation concerns

  1. Meh. He lies about everything ELSE including saying he’s president when he’s not, what’s one more?

    “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
    John 8:44

    …that’s Pedo Joe in a nutshell…

  2. “… raised concerns of politically motivated manipulation of federal statistics.”

    MEGA Duh?
    Nobody’s really that naive. Disingenuous, yes … naive, no.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. 81 million votes, a million jobs gained, safe and effective shots, windmills are the future of energy, 78 genders and pronouns with lop it off, you’ll be a woman… or man… Epstein definitely didn’t kill himself and Whitey Bulger wasn’t killed because he was about to spill the beans on the Biden crime family’s history in the northeast rackets. Oh, and the earth will DIE in five years unless YOU give up all fossil fuels! Got it? Good.

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