National Guard informs troops last paycheck before Christmas will be late as Biden admin sends billions to Ukraine – IOTW Report

National Guard informs troops last paycheck before Christmas will be late as Biden admin sends billions to Ukraine

PM: On Friday it was revealed that the Biden administration failed to pay numerous National Guard troops their final year end pay on time during the week of Christmas. The failure came after approving a contoversial additional $45 billion aid package to Ukraine, and the House passing a $1.7 trillion spending plan.

“Hello gents,” began a letter sent to members of the National Guard, obtained by The Post Millennial, “if you have been tracking, the pay issue that has been plaguing the unit and the division as well.” Reports came in from Pennsylvania, Georgia, and South Carolina from troops angered and upset that their pay hadn’t yet come through.

“You are probably already tracking there are pay issues. Many soldiers were due pay today. They received LES but did not receive funds.” An LES, or a Leave and Earning Statement, is simply a pay stub, but it was not accompanied by funds.

The letter revealed that this is a “nation wide” issue, and that this issue “seems to be at DFAS [Defense Finance and Accounting Service] and is related to the CR.” MORE

12 Comments on National Guard informs troops last paycheck before Christmas will be late as Biden admin sends billions to Ukraine

  1. I don’t see the connection between the National Guard pay and the $Billions sent to be laundered in Ukraine. It’s ALL funny money. Just numbers printed on one form or another. It doesn’t become anything inflationarily substantive until it is spendable – by either the National Guard members or by the corrupt scheming maggot politicians.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Machloja FJB,
    Yes. I admit it eludes me.
    I’m a simple man who exists in a binary Universe: yes/no – good/evil – fact/lie – right/wrong – man/woman – +/- – 1/0 – sine/cosine – electron/proton – atomic/nuclear – positive/negative – up/down – &c.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. mickey moussaoui DECEMBER 24, 2022 AT 11:56 AM
    Now he is hinting that there may be cuts to Social Security payments.

    Have heard it said that’s the third rail. I’m thinking they won’t be cutting back on EBT Cards / SNAP benes. There’s the answer! Probably a bunch on social security that could qualify for that also. Start a campaign to get those people on the dole also.

    The sooner the millennials figure out there won’t be anything for them and crash the system the better.

    Flame away sports fans…

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