Winter Is Breaking Out All Over – IOTW Report

Winter Is Breaking Out All Over

26 Comments on Winter Is Breaking Out All Over

  1. Whatever happened to “polar vortex”? I can’t keep up with the “certified meteorologist” scare speech.
    I do know; here in vagina, it’s colder than a witch’s tit.
    Haven’t seen my balls for 2 days…normally I’m always sittin’ on em.

  2. I can’t walk from OH to KY without using a bridge this time like I could in ’77, so I’m not impressed. I do live further out on a hill now tho and rural counties don’t seem to have a lot of snow plows, but that’s what 4WD is for.

    Kinda sucks that we had to reschedule a Christmas Eve celebration for our flatlander relatives tho. Too many people to run a shuttle for in an 80 mile roundtrip over uncertain roads. Plus, it doesn’t matter how good YOU are at driving in the snow when some asshole in a shiny new rear wheel drive pickup comes at you from behind in stalled traffic, swapping ends because he doesn’t know how to steer into a skid.

    Real impressed with the mail service here. NOT. Most of that “Neither rain nor sleet nor snow” stuff seems to be off the table here, guess they save all their efforts for transporting fraudulent ballots for Democrats around these days. Oh well, don’t do that much by mail these days anyways, but the ton of ads might be nice kindling.

    Haven’t lost power here, not yet, but most of the telephone poles out here lean drunkenly this way and that due to the hills, and there’s always that truck spinning jackass I mentioned earlier to clip one off at any time. I loaded all the gas cans and propane tanks before the snowfall, so we have backup.

    Chickens not liking it tho. Our little flock stays mostly in the coop even though the wife wrapped their run with tarps and there’s a modicum of heat. Guess scratching rock-hard ground with cold toes for insects that are deep underground just isn’t that fun.

    I feel real sorry for the wild birds. They don’t even want to hang on the feeders, but grub in the snow under them for fallen seed, so I’ve been putting some there. Got mad yesterday when a bird perched perfectly in an outside wreath against a window, but I was on the phone with someone so I couldn’t get Lady C a picture.

    I’m off till Tuesday anyway. A fire pipe burst under the parking lot of the Assembly plant that they won’t dig up until Tuesday, plus our last scheduled Production day was Thursday, so Ima just take the two paid days and take care of the house for now until then.

    There’s things that could be better, but there always will be. God has blessed us so far even though I do not deserve it, and will give our immediate family the blessing to be together to celebrate the birth of His Son tomorrow. Don’t know if the church will be open or not at this point, but he will be the Lord of our hearts regardless.

    May the Lord keep you all safe and fill your hearts with love and your homes with family.

    Merry Christmas and God bless,

  3. I am not surprised at these “weather events”. I have bored you all in the past, but once again, I paid attention in Grade 6 Science class in which our teacher informed us that the Earth’s weather patterns were controlled by our star – the Sun. The weather goes in 30 year cycles. I was born in 1952 and the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s were bitching cold in western Canada and eastern Canada always had lots of snow. And yes, it did start to warm up in the early 1980’s when the Sun had solar storms on its surface and so the 80’s, 90’s and early aughts were warmer than usual. Here in western Canada, since about 2010-2012, it has become colder in the winter and the summers are not so hot (more like pleasant). I will probably be dead but in 2040, the Earth should start heating up again. So file that away for future reference.

    A very Merry Christmas and I hope that 2023 will be a good one for all!

  4. I heard that winter storm Eliot as the media is calling it being called a Snowpocalypse this morning on Fox and Friends. I’m hoping that most of this cold weather is over for a while since we are supposed to be over 32 degrees tomorrow on Christmas and in the low 40’s with rain by Monday here in the inland NW of Eastern Wash. and N. Idaho.

  5. We haven’t had fog here in years (CA), and it has returned. About 3 days of socked in fog. Not bone chilling cold it’s around 44 out – better than -20, snow and wind. Husband’s sister lives in Buffalo – they got slammed. I wonder how my friends who moved to Wyoming, Missouri, and TN are enjoying their freezing, whiteout, conditions? Shoveling snow wasn’t in their vocabulary…except now it is. 🙂

  6. @Big Momma: I follow this guy on youtube who does daily updates on the sun and the 12,000 year cycle. He follows the earth’s magnetic field and says we’re in for some big changes. You might be interested in him. Google: Superflare Risk Confirmed in NASA Paper | S0 News Dec.24.2022 Suspicious0bservers We’re at the end of the 12,000 year cycle, fun times ahead.

  7. @SNS

    1977 was a hell of a year.

    I remember relocating from China Lake Naval Weapons Testing Center in the Mojave desert to northern Virginia in a U haul truck. We crossed the mighty Mississippi at Memphis and it was frozen solid. So were we. The heater on the truck stopped working. We got it repaired in Memphis.

    I was already sick with a terrible cold.

    Not a fun trip.

  8. It’s up to 16F here in S. Central MO.
    Snow was just a dust-up – an inch or three.
    Sposed to get to 20 today and pushing 30 tomorrow … we’ll see.
    -4F last night and -7F the night before.
    Pretty damned cold (if you ask me).
    Have to re-fill the gooses’ (geeses’?) bucket about every 3 hours – it freezes solid.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Rain turning to snow yesterday and temps dropped overnight to 7 here in upstate NY. One car garage and the car parked in front of the garage door is frozen solid with ice, poor planning on someone, the doors won’t open and it doesn’t have remote start. I hate to think how bad it would be if we didn’t have global warming.

  10. Cleveburg here – it’s Winter! Windy and drifting snow. Minus 4 last night, +4 today.
    No need to go out since we did our grocery shopping earlier in the week. Staying warm and cozy inside!
    Merry Christmas everyone!

  11. @Goldenfoxx,
    WY did just fine, even with the overnight -40 and 50mph windgusts. Tight windows, adequate insulation, generator with treated fuel ready, iow Preparation.
    No mudslides or earthquakes, so you stay indoors, rummage in the food pantry, and enjoy the company of those you love.
    Today’s high in the 40s, next week highs near 60

  12. I sure am glad I’m not farther north! We’re likely to see the temperature to drop to freezing tonight here in Sarasota County. That’s not a snarky statement from me (for a change). All you good folks up in the seriously colder zone have my best wishes even though you all sound as though you’ve thoroughly prepared for this.

    Happy Christmas Eve to All!


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