2022 Man of the Year: The Ghost – IOTW Report

2022 Man of the Year: The Ghost

WFB: On April 14, 2022, President Joe Biden shook hands with a ghost. We know this for a fact because the Washington Free Beacon broke the story. More than 16.5 million people have viewed the incontestable video evidence.

Nevertheless, the ghost truthers persisted in their delusion. They debased themselves to defend the mental dexterity of a doddering geezer. They afflicted the comfortable by doing rapid response for the most powerful man in the world. Biden was simply “gesturing” to the audience, they insisted. The video lacked “context.”

What a bunch of freaks. They think they’re saving democracy one fact-check at a time, fighting on the front lines of an intellectual war for America’s future, living meaningful lives. They know exactly what they saw. They saw a ghost like everyone else. But they’ll deny it to their graves, where no one will ever visit them.

This one’s for you, ghost. The haters and the losers tried to erase you from existence, but we wouldn’t let them and we never will because we know the truth. You’re a Free Beacon Man of the Year. MORE

7 Comments on 2022 Man of the Year: The Ghost

  1. That was actually “Harvey” or as the Biden’s call him “the Big Guy” who tells Joe things and stories he passes along to the rest of us.

    If we could see him we’d call him a demon but the Biden family know him as their personal spirit guide to hell.


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