Mother saved her 10-year-old from a school that covertly transitioned her – IOTW Report

Mother saved her 10-year-old from a school that covertly transitioned her

Blaze: Schools across America are affirming the gender dysphoria of children without parental consent.

While some educators have been exposed for intentionally confusing children on matters of sex and identity, entire school boards are doubling down, with some battling in court to keep facilitating students’ so-called transitions without telling parents.

When Jennifer — who omitted her surname for the sake of her child’s privacy — caught her school covertly transitioning her 10-year-old daughter; she rescued her little girl and began homeschooling.

In many similar cases, the cards appear stacked against parents, particularly those unable to homeschool but wary of strangers confusing their kids and putting them on paths to sterile, drug-dependent, and disenchanted lives.

Jennifer recognized that while her little girl was spared, she wouldn’t be the last targeted; that educators, school administrators, pharmaceutical companies, psychologists, and other power- and profit-incentivized parties were just getting started. MORE HERE

8 Comments on Mother saved her 10-year-old from a school that covertly transitioned her

  1. This transmogrifying isn’t going to stop until people’s lives are on the line.
    Parents are willing to sacrifice for their children.
    Are the transmogrifying enablers in the school system willing to sacrifice themselves? To become martyrs for their cause?

  2. Communists infiltrated teachers unions decades ago.

    destroy the family
    make everything beautiful ugly
    destroy belief in God
    Destroy morals
    brainwash children to hate themselves, their country, their parents
    Foment race war, class war, civil war
    accept government as their saviors
    brainwash with internet, social media, all media
    and so on

  3. Who is paying school boards to do this?

    I’m certain there is a cash kickback using taxpayer dollars.

    It would be interesting to see an audit. Or several from school boards, schools, teacher unions, city councils and so on until the money source is found.

    “ They aren’t doing it for free”


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